Let the children of the mega rich inherit the toxic land. May they all suffocate.
If you don’t reject your parent and their blood/exploitation resources as soon as you become an adult, you inherit the blood on their hands.
No quarter for the oligarch families that caused and benefitted from this.
Yeah, my SO and I have talked about adopting. We’d feel better about not bringing someone into this and still offering them some help in a difficult situation they’re in.
Also fostering, if it would be a good fit, too.
Get a vasectomy, it will calm your worries about accidents. If you can’t give a child a life of safety and security where they won’t suffer the consequences of a world fucked up by corporations and the rich for greed then just don’t do it.
Ah yes the full nuclear (nutclear) approach
Yeah lets do all of this instead of organizing.
I never wanted or will want kids, but wanted to chime in and say the vasectomy was super easy and way less of a pain than I expected. If my wife and I ever magically change our minds (not gonna happen) we can always adopt. There’s plenty of kids that need good homes out there if you want to be a parent but are worried about bringing new life into the world. Help the kids that are already here that have to experience the shit show of Earth.
Same here never wanted kids and i’m so happy with my vasectomy. No pain, very little discomfort, but it’s a great excuse to spend a weekend chilling on the couch snacking and watching movies while you ice the boys and after that all you gotta worry about is stds 😎
Or tubes tied if you’re female
There’s nothing i can do personally? Thats literally the problem.
People supporting businesses that ruin the environment is the problem. Sure its not our responsibility, the government needs to make changes but until then stop eating animal products, stop flying, driving car etc.
Vote with your wallet, thats the only thing they listen to.
I think corporations’ efforts to shift the view of responsibility from a collective goal to an individual one is one of the biggest problems we face. Individual action is almost never as impactful as collective action. While labor is told to take personal responsibility on individual issues, capital works collectively to consolidate power and amass more wealth. Individuals cannot shift that by themselves. “Vote with your wallet” will never lead to the substantial structural changes we desperately need.
I think corporations’ efforts to shift the view of responsibility from a collective goal to an individual one is one of the biggest problems we face.
Individual action is almost never as impactful as collective action.
Here in Germany we have a saying:
Was kann einer dagegen ausrichten? Fragte sich die halbe Menschheit.
Which roughly translates to:
What can a single person change? Half the population asked themselves.
Embrace nihilism.
Absurdism is healthier. Nihilist are no fun to party with.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBYDgJ9Wf0E this video is worth a watch
Wow thank you. Nice video!
Having kids is great. Don’t believe all the horror stories.
Fuck this shit. STOP the cycle.
Since our planet is broken beyond repair, how about we sell it on ebay as “slightly used”
My parents chose to try for kids during a time where global nuclear warfare was almost seen as a certainty.
There will always at all points in time be some doom scenario to worry about.
I mean, climate change is certainly happening. But i’d rather try and make a positive impact on things instead of feeling defeated. I’d rather go down fighting, with or without having kids.
Well, your parents were very horny. Thing is, the possibility of a nuclear war is now the same, if not even higher. And now we know that we fucked up our climate beyond repair. We know that our kids will live in a dystopian wasteland.
We truly are living in the worst timeline, aren’t we?
I don’t think it’s the worst timeline, 'cause things can always be worse.
I think we’re leaving in the dumbest timeline.
Yeah, you’re probably right