This looks cool
This looks cool
I tried out it and Jerboa on Android (from F-Droid) and besides for not showing user PFPs, Voyager is generally better.
That’s the idea Marxism is based on, that capitalism is a self destructive system.
If you choose the app first, and you choose Voyager, everything else - browsing, creating an account - is intuitive and just works.
Is it The Onion or not? This link tree links to a post posted in The Onion community
It was similar for me as an LGBT+ person. Ironically, my internet was censored, but I found out about trans people through Scratch (.mit.edu) at the age of 13. Also found lots of YouTube videos that were helpful to me as an agnostic atheist surrounded by religious people.
Social media also allows people who would be isolated or in echo chambers in IRL friend and community groups to be exposed to diverse people and viewpoints. It’s a double edged sword. For me personally, I know the Internet was crucial in getting me out of my IRL bubble as a young adolescent
The only real solution is to reject social media entirely.
…you say on social media.
I understand why, but you’ve got to admit it’s ironic
As a neutral observer, it doesn’t seem to me that you’ve really tried.
Ah, I thought it was a really clever statement about how they don’t give you anything. But images failing to load are cool too
It is woke. It’s also the right thing to acknowledge and work to fix these issues.
Can’t you sign into any instance on Voyager if you know the name?
Android technically uses the Linux kernel, but is not GNU+Linux, and has had all the good parts of Linux taken out. I didn’t know iOS was based on Linux, but it’s even worse than Android, locks you so much into Apple’s services and spending money. Freedom over your device is the point of Linux, and iOS fails at that even more than Android, at least with Android you can install custom ROMs.
That’s really interesting, because I’ve had a very different experience. Almost anything I wanted to do could be done through a GUI, which looks pretty.
I’m not sure how Android and iOS relate, they are mobile OSs, and both have their flaws, although some more than others.
I agree with this philosophy, but I was wondering what sort of content would be posted to this community?
I never see Fedora recommended enough, but it’s really good for beginners. And by that I mean people new to computers, not just Linux. GNOME is a good looking by default, intuitive to use, simple DE.
I don’t use a VPN, and haven’t got a letter from my ISP in all the years I’ve been pirating.
Flatpaks let me isolate app files and disable permissions, RPMs give me greater access to the system files.
As far as I understand it, it’s a GPU optimised for ML, prioritising VRAM over speed.