There was someone earlier looking for someone with your expertise
Will this become the first Lemmy in joke?
Oh it Already is.
literal shitpost
I’d argue it’s quite the opposite.
I hope your replapse on that second addiction is the only word ending on “lapse” you’ll experience.
Its okay they are pros at it.
giftpoop that keeps on givingaccuracy of data is questionable cause after 12 days without visiting toilet you would die ☠
Maybe he’s dead but his battery isn’t.
/c/nopoop fixed it for you
A ciggy might help with the poo…
8 months no alcohol here;)
4 weeks no feaces
Holup. People track dookies?
Find the Lemmy user “mizu”. They’ve been posting things about needing to hold in their poo for several days and it’s become a huge meme on Lemmy. Still not sure they are serious or if it’s performance art
mizu is providing updates in a different thread lol
Any idea how to link to a user here?
Maybe in 10yrs time it will be immortalised in ‘Lemmy Museum’ as one of Lemmys first memes. Like Reddits Jolly Rancher or broken arms stories.
Hmmm. Been eating boiled eggs and peanut butter?
Now no poop for 4 days.
??? 12 d 12h…
Wtf ! Pooping 🤮🤮
Shitzen poopens
You haven’t pooped??