Fuck. Good point. Guess I’ll just have to come to peace with me being a hypocrite when it comes to what I find acceptable.
Fuck. Good point. Guess I’ll just have to come to peace with me being a hypocrite when it comes to what I find acceptable.
Only because I find these specific videos to be quite funny, maybe there can be a “satire/criticism of a public figure” exception that could exist
Artificial Superintelligence is a term that is getting banded about nowadays
Definitely overall a good thing
The judge’s ties to the healthcare business are a stark reminder of how pervasive the for-profit industry is in American life — a point made by Mangione himself
The amount of suspects is so incredibly huge that it’s a statistical miracle that someone else didn’t get him first
Dude, if you’ve been using your last one for 12 years then you really really don’t care about any of these stats/benchmarks
[edit] I retract my comment
Unless you want people to like you!
Is there any law in any state that would allow you to kill a 3rd party to escape being killed yourself? (If there were, I’d probably opt for not living in that state)
At least it’s a step in the right direction. Especially since they’ve been extremely evil when it comes to teens. Tho I’m sure they’ll figure out how to continue to be evil with these restrictions/guidelines in place.
If photon hitting a surface can impart momentum, does generating photons also impart momentum? Like, if you put a solar powered laser pointer in space, would it move?
I assume these companies being sued follow standard procedure, which is that everything freezes the moment a lawsuit starts. It’s pretty much a guarantee that these companies halt spending, let alone even communicate, with X
I know right‽ feels like when I learnt about the FedEx arrow for the first time
Now that bribes thank you gifts are legal for officials, it’s not like we are even asking them to cut off all their corruption money faucets…
Security by obscurity
The comment section is wild. So many people thinking that the Japanese government is somehow late to the floppy free party. Clearly they have no idea how dire the IT infrastructure situation is for the most critical systems of the world’s major super powers
If you think the US government is floppy free, let alone capable of going floppy free in the next 5 years, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya
He’s such an egomaniac that reproducing is a kink for him. Imagine being one of those kids and knowing your dad gets off at your very existence while him also caring so little about you other than your genes
We’ve been spending decades curating our perception by management in order to make sure we all have jobs. He’s gonna ruin the whole industry if we don’t shut him the hell up
Tho those complicated outcome trends can have issues with things like minorities having worse health outcomes due to a history of oppression and poorer access to Healthcare. Will definitely need humans overseeing it cause health data can be misleading looking purely at numbers