Just use a GitHub page. Super simple and driven by your source code.
Just use a GitHub page. Super simple and driven by your source code.
I know, I don’t like this dude a ton, but the first half of the video didna good job laying out the scandal imo
I’ve got a jellyfin server but I fucked my routing and haven’t fixed it.
I cancelled everything but paramount recently. Just cant quit star trek. Until I fix my DNS server at least
For me, the calendar app isn’t good enough. It is too easy to hide or miss or ignore the notification, no matter what settings I adjust (which dont typically give much flexibility)
I’m in a similar spot. For me MacroDroid app on my phone is key.
Someone helped me write an alarm macro that I cancel by scanning an NFC tag I have in my medication case.
I also have an NFC tag on my refrigerator that I have to scan to stop my wake up alarm.
I can share the macro if you are interested
A lot of us “sensible” Americans either didn’t vote or voted for trump because “herp derp black lady scary” so we deserve everything that is coming to us.
Does he not know a single women?
I don’t understand shitheads with this idea.
Imo it’s not a liberal news paper if it was on the side of genocide.
Boeing keeps stepping on the rake.
I didn’t read it as humour I read it as a threat or perhaps a dig on trans folks?
Regardless I didn’t need to escalate.
The hell does that mean? They are a shithead CEO, doesn’t need to be more than that.
Java was nice for the time. Same with MySQL.
Right? There are probably hundreds of novels theorizing about how this turns out. Most of them unflattering I would guess, based on however many I have read
The United States already prosecutes many activists as terrorists, or at least tries to charge them. All this would do is turn that up to eleven.
I’m with you in the long term.
I am curious what kernel is backing the computers on the stuff SpaceX is doing. I’ve never seen their consoles but I am guessing we are closer to modern reusable hardware and software than we were before. When niche applications like that keep getting more diverse, i bet we will get more open specifications so everything can work together.
But again I am more pessimistic and think 50 years would be relatively early for something like that.
Yeah, I guess in my fantasy I was Assuming that windows would do a full rewrote and adopt the unix abi, but I know that wouldn’t happen.
Mainstream is about to collapse. The exploitation nonsense is faltering. Open source is emerging as the only legitimate player.
I’m a die hard open source fan but that still feels like a stretch. I remember 10 years ago we were theorizing that windows would get out of the os business and just be a shell over a unix kernel, and that never made it anywhere.
I will vote and scream and cry against it, but Boeing is likely too big to fail. Boeing and Airbus are the only game in town (in the west).
I bought a steam tent. 15 minutes in it a day, while agonizing, makes being outdoors tolerable. Also my apt doesn’t get below 81 in the summer.