Oh, sorry, did any of your pearls fall? Thanks for your precious “engagement”. I surely won’t mistake it with any meaningful encounter. Just another one with someone who lacks knowledge but has opinions on the matter for some reason, and cannot be bothered to think for a second to make an argument that isn’t empty virtue signaling.
I guess it’s scary for some people to participate in even a conversation about something new with an open mind without being condescending. All while defending “virtue”, ironically.
Have a nice day!
Thank you, my man. It’s weird how many people have negative thoughts about this without knowing anything about it. I’m not even an antinatalist lol, though I’m very close to it, I am childfree - those communities only represented the most extreme, most hostile persons and I’ve never participated. But that doesn’t matter to the humanistic, holistic, full of virtue person. Talk about self awareness and irony.
It’s okay, I’ve been online enough to observe that when s certain kind of person feel that they can’t “win” the argument by discussion, they tend to take it to to the personal level and enrage you by insults. For me there’s no winner, just ideas being discussed so I’m not offended. So boring to have such a fragile mindset that can be broken so easily by mere thoughs it has to be defended. Now what’s depressing is knowing that these people hold the majority. Still, thanks for your concern.
Childfree lifestyle is becoming the norm fast, btw - even in my little family oriented country, childfree services such as hotels have increased rapidly, and childfree people aren’t that frowned upon anymore. People can downvote and insult me here all they want but things are changing because they have to. Soon there will be more, and it will be a normal thing to have a neighbor childfree old couple. Then we will be able to talk about it without getting pitchforked to hell and back.