Yet more Democrats doubling down on “we have to be more racist”, “we need to have less principles”, “it’s actually the lefts fault somehow”.
Reminder that here in reality, Democrats ran republican campaign messaging during the election whilst Kamala failed to distance herself from literal fucking genocide in response to the bases concerns nor did they provide any meaningful economic policies as answers.
When several dozen Democratic political operatives and elected officials gathered at a tony resort off the Potomac River last month, frustration boiled over at the left wing of their party.
Democrats had become too obsessed with “ideological purity tests” and should push back “against far-left staffers and groups that exert a disproportionate influence on policy and messaging,” according to a document of takeaways from the gathering produced by the center-left group Third Way and obtained by POLITICO.
The group of moderate Democratic consultants, campaign staffers, elected officials and party leaders who gathered in Loudoun County, Virginia for a day-and-a-half retreat, where they plotted their party’s comeback, searched for why the party lost in November — and what to do about it. Much of what they focused their ire on centered on the kind of identity politics that they believed lost them races up and down the ballot.
One of the key ways to win back the trust of the working class, some gathered there argued, was to “reduce far-left influence and infrastructure” on the party, according to the takeaways document. That included building a more moderate campaign infrastructure and talent pipeline, pushing “back against far-left staffers and groups that exert a disproportionate influence on policy and messaging,” and refusing to participate in “far-left candidate questionnaires” and “forums that create ideological purity tests.”
The gathering resulted in five pages of takeaways, a document POLITICO obtained from one of the participants. (Not all attendees endorsed each point, and the document — and Third Way — kept the identities of participants private.)
Those gathered then laid out 20 solutions for how Democrats can regain working-class trust and reconnect with them culturally.
Among their takeaways:
The party should “embrace patriotism, community, and traditional American imagery.”
Candidates should “get out of elite circles and into real communities (e.g., tailgates, gun shows, local restaurants, churches).”
The party needs to “own the failures of Democratic governance in large cities and commit to improving local government.”
The party, many of those gathered also argued, needs to “develop a stronger, more relatable Democratic media presence (podcasts, social media, sports broadcasting).”
Bennett said that, with the meeting coming just three months after the election, “we didn’t expect to have a lot of answers about exactly what the Democratic offer to the working class on the economy ought to be going forward. We were still kind of picking through the rubble here.”
Feels like Russian sympathizers infiltrated the DNC during Hilary’s campaign, ran an inept campaign, and never left. They have repeatedly sucked out all of the actual momentum from left leaning movements and elevated conservative talking points by never being on the offensive with their language.
“DoNt blaMe FoReiGneRs”
Multiple elections have shown interference is a real issue and now that there’s a possibility of an inside job you say to ignore the most likely source of the problem? You make no sense.
The interference pales in comparison to the interference coming from US corporations and billionaires, what are you even talking about?
From 2014-2022, Russia spent $300 million influencing elections in 24 countries. I don’t know what it’s up to now, but I doubt they have a ton of liquid cash to splurge on elections when they’re fighting a war.
In the 2024 elections alone, there were $24 billion spent by both parties in all races in the US. Compared to that, Russia’s spending is a drop in the bucket.
The government has been taken over by Musk and the other PayPal boys, and you’re wasting your time blaming foreigners. The billionaires are literally running the government and getting themselves appointed to office, or in Musk’s case running rampant without any official appointment at all. It’s a billionaire coup and they’re distracting you with Russians. This only benefits them.
“Russian sympathizers”
My friend, the billionaires are here. You don’t need Russian meddling when the call is coming from inside the house
You know what the difference between liberals in 2025 and Qanon chuds in 2016?
There actually are pedophiles running the country
Why can’t the problems with the US be self-inflicted in your world-view?