Man I hope they can’t find an impartial jury to try this guy, but I know they’ll find 12 bastards.
All it takes is 1 guy who says the right bullshit.
i bet they’ll change the venue to the federal circuit so that they can move it to a red state where there’s plenty of boot lickers.
Funny enough, a lot of the right also like the guy for what he did.
That’s because most red voters actually think blue, they’re just so fucking dumb to know.
Too fucking true. Describe any left leaning principle without using any buzzwords and they’ll agree all day.
fortunately so.
i suspect that there’s a high prevalence of boot licking among rightists; hence my comment moving to a red state.
A jury comprised entirely of C-suite people would probably do the job. They’re undoubtedly going to try this.
Not a lawyer, but I’d hope there would be an argument against this since a jury of c-suite people would not be his peers.
The prosecution and defense have to agree on the jury makeup if I understand the process correctly…
Well if all his peers think he’s okay I guess they gotta let him go
Nullification !
If they can’t find an impartial jury I’m pretty sure they’ll just give him the Epstein treatment.
Have Trump’s DOJ turn a blind eye on the prisoner on suicide watch on the eve of his trial, where he is expected to name names? I’m not sure killing Luigi, or letting him take his own life, and making him a martyr instead of an “example” is really a great play for them.
But it’s a roll of the dice and what are the odds on killing Luigi triggering civil unrest that spirals out of control?
If they think the odds are low enough they’ll do it.
The Americans should make it clear that killing Luigi will result in mass riots and the killing of more CEOs.
There are piles of dead martyrs, entire families with their own personal martyrs. Throwing another one on the pile is nothing to them, they’ve weathered it before. Him getting to make his case at trial and the chance he could successfully acquit himself creates far more unfamiliar and frightening possibilities. I am almost certain a trial is the worst possible outcome for those who feel threatened by Luigi’s actions.
If only the CEOs realized their vulnerability and that none of them could individually improve their image without going against shareholder interests, so they appealed to the government for blanket regulations to limit exploitation.
I know there’s no way he gets off scot free; he’s not a member of the corporate elite. But I can hope.