People Are Increasingly Worried AI Will Make Daily Life Worse::A Pew survey finds that a majority of Americans are more concerned than excited about the impact of artificial intelligence—adding weight to calls for more regulation.
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Exactly, AI is only scary if you need a job to survive.
If AI takes work from us, we should be freed by not having to work, not doomed to starvation.
The current economic status quo is entirely unequipped to deal with the next couple of decades, and the options for progressive change are dwindling.
I’m absolutely not calling for revolution right now, but the glacial rate we’re evolving our economy is going to make it inevitable or else we’ll be left with some kind of Mad Max hellscape before the century is out.
I also find AI taking other people’s jobs depressing. Whenever I purchase something or need customer service, I’d always rather interact with a human than AI
Specifically capitalism paired with zero sum game mentality.
If someone is convinced the only way for themselves to win is to make other people (including me) lose, that’s where the biggest problems happen.
They don’t want to look at the big picture, they’d rather focus on rage bait articles
Exactly, let’s worry about the horrible people fucking over the planet first! AI is such an amazing opportunity for distraction, capitalists are gonna capitalize on that for sure!
I would argue that too much centralization in any economic system is the problem.
More so human nature. Humans are greedy.
That’s a lie capitalism has sold us to justify it’s value system.
Remember how Soviet workers would smuggle parts out of their jobs to reuse themselves? There was a job field filled by babushkas that would inspect workers before they left. Is that the fault of capitalism? I know the people at the top do it much worse, but humans naturally compete with each other.
People are capable of both competition and cooperation.
Capitalism goes out of the way to make the former a value.
Yes, greed is in our nature. But so is altruism. And the idea that people are just greedy by nature, and that all altruism has ulterior motivation, is something capitalists have actively encouraged to justify their values.
So yes, when it comes to greed in the West and how it’s become a value rather than a sin (Jesus eye if the needle parable), I blame capitalism. Of course, if humans didn’t have the capacity for greed capitalism wouldn’t exist.
But to dismiss capitalism as a non-factor at this point in history because humans are greedy by nature, well, it’s propaganda and not based on a modern scientific understanding of human nature.
Yeah that’s fair. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. We shouldn’t rely on greed to make a system nor altruism alone. The difficult part is actually making a system that works.
The Buddhist economy is essentially a gift economy that has survived for 2500 years.
Shit, our genealogy is also basically a gift economy, and one much more ancient than Buddhism.
Which is my way of saying I think the system is in our nature. If we can learn to embrace life and stop being so terrified of our individual deaths.
The best systems happen organically after all. And without coercion.
People are increasingly worried, full stop.
Doom loop news cycle doesn’t help.
Social media even moreso than news, for younger audiences. Doom posts gets engagement.
I think people have always been like this. Listen to any two people talk, it is just natural that they will talk about something that makes them nervous. It is like salmon returning to the spawning ground, humans discussing fears.
I remember when we had the word Neurotic. And it described someone frankly more sane than anyone I know now.
Learn, don’t just watch news. Get perspective.
So what should we do instead? And no, going outside is not an option.
Cheer up, it may never happen.
Yeah, cruel fact about humanity. All these great technologies could give us luxury space communism in 100 years or so, but that won’t happen. Shitty people will be shitty and these technologies will be used for shitty purposes or intentionally stunted.
We could already be having that, maybe minus the space part.
Go to any McDonald’s drive thru with the automated ordering. You will realize it is already making life worse.
I don’t like Worried Al. I want Weird Al back.
Weird Al never went away. He still drops albums from time to time.
Even the occational movie.
He has announced he’s likely finished releasing albums due to timeliness concerns and waning interest in the format. He’ll probably just release singles as he comes up with them from now on.
That picture fucked me up tho
Trumpy smooches
There’s a issue with this title, and it’s not the word “AI”.
It’s the word “Will”.
It already did.
I came here to say this. We’ve had threats of “AI” for a while, and initially, it should have been better, but it wasn’t. Look at the latest voice assistant from your favorite large corporation spy gadget, like an echo dot. The voice assistant sucks. It constantly misunderstands you, half the time you get feedback like “I don’t understand” despite asking for something you’ve asked for before, in the same way you’ve asked before, and had it do something before, but now, no, fuck you.
Responses are repetitious and boring, like “playing (song) by (artist) on (streaming service)” or “turning on x lights”… Always the same, always boring. Ask about almost anything beyond a function, and usually you get a quote snippet from a webpage you’ve never heard of, which only mentions whatever you asked for and doesn’t provide any actual information 90% of the time. It would be more useful for it to respond with “I found this on the web” followed by the sounds of hippos farting.
This is the “AI” we had until now, and it’s the AI we constantly interact with. None of the star trek computer level intelligence where you can ask your assistant to increase the illumination, and have it do something because it understands the intent behind what you’re saying, not just running a select statement on your literal words… And that’s even if it understands at all. You don’t see Will Riker standing there arguing with the computer like “no, I asked for a coffee” while the replicator is populated by a cookie.
Then LLMs go into widespread use and the system shits out stuff like chat GPT which most people can’t seem distinguish from talking to a person, and now we live in this hellscape. AI chatbots are now selling us shit, replying to our emails, posing as real people even…
And I’m just talking about speech-based AI… Don’t get me started on the insanity of image AI.
You don’t have to look at things like that. Think of a different voice assistant. The one at every telephone system at every big corporation that’s now “intelligent.”
That used to be a person.
AI is already taking away jobs.
Many of those jobs were already killed off by IVR systems.
Any company that still has a live “operator” type job… Well, it’s usually piled onto another role, like receptionist. Many small to mid sized businesses basically hire a receptionist as a catch all for other jobs. Someone to accept deliveries, answer the phone, greet people coming in, do little odd jobs around the office.
Reduction of the workforce by turning a once straight forward job like receptionist into an agglutination of smaller jobs that they don’t want to have to pay someone to do, is the norm. Eliminating positions and entire swarms of people with a single individual who both doesn’t really do a job, but does every job.
It’s already made my experience worse every time I need customer service.
Your worse experience saves the company money! Why do you hate the economy, consumer?! /s
I’m worried because AI is supposed to be sorting trash, cleaning sewers, and other laborious work. Instead we got AI trying to take the jobs of artists. 🤦🏽♂️
That’s just the most visible part because artists are constantly complaining about it in the news. In fact the news loves reporting doom scenarios for everything (because in the end that’s what the consumer clicks on.)
But for laborious work you just need robots, not AI. Robots already took over a huge chuck of dangerous, laborious work and will continue to take more.
It is not shocking that people are worried about AI impacting their lives negatively when nearly all of the main stream coverage of it centers around all of the ways, both real and conspiratorial, that it will hurt them.
No, people are concerned other people are using AI for dirty shit that will end up making lives harder for 90% of us … you all know which 90% …
This just in: people are gullible as fuck and will believe anything the media (and certain overzealous social media owning billionaires) tells them.
every new technology makes life more easy and convenient and noisy and annoying and depressing and bad
As always, the problem aren’t the tools. It’s the psychopath executives, marketers, venture capitalists, etc, that are going to bring us Boring Dystopia 2.0 by using these tools mostly for evil. It’s already happening. It’s going to speed up, and it’s going to permeate everything. Massive layoffs, intrusive surveillance, misinformation, etc.
Combined with the Internet of Shit…it’s going to suck in brand new ways. And then people will be surprised and wonder how we got here.
Of course they’re worried. They’re being told to be worried.