I really appreciate the link to a story on this because I hate out of context video. But I really wish they had used a different outlet like Mastodon or Bluesky, I hate giving any traffic to Xwitter.
I really appreciate the link to a story on this because I hate out of context video. But I really wish they had used a different outlet like Mastodon or Bluesky, I hate giving any traffic to Xwitter.
I agree with the principal of personal boycotts, though not effective in doing anything to affect the companies that you are boycotting, are necessary. But OP is right. For instance I have been boycotting Chick-fil-A for the last 10 years because I don’t agree with their homophobic attitude. But it has zero effect on their bottom line because no one else boycotts them or even cares. I think the kesson is that you should not expect any kind of real outcome from your personal boycott of a company. You should just be satisfied that you are not personally supporting that company.
He’ll still retain his shares. Which is the source of his wealth.
For my money I’m going to throw a goddamn party if this cursed stock hits double digits.
I don’t need to care. I stopped using Google search months ago.
If you rely so much on buying digital, be ready for a surprise later on down the line.
I’m currently using ChatGPT to develop code that I intend to incorporate into my latest version of Roko’s basilisk v0.17.13
You’re mad cause they started putting ads into your search results? Like that was always going to happen. Having ads doesn’t make them evil. The shit they’re doing right now, and have been doing for the last half a dozen years or so, that makes them evil.
for decades now
You should drop that S. The company has only existed for a little over 2 decades and Android hasn’t been around for much more than 1. Yes they’ve become an evil fucking corporation but let’s not exaggerate for how long.
I mean, you can set DND to be on at certain times so that, short of an emergency that is sent tagged as such, you won’t get notifications during certain hours of the day or night. Y’all don’t need to get all bohemian self righteous with the whole “I’ve disconnected from the world through my phone and have never looked back”. Seriously, get over yourself. We all have our crosses to bare and DND is a great feature for some “leave me alone” time but there’s no need to become a virtual hermit in order to have some peace and quiet.
I’m already several hundred thousand in debt.
Well, now I have something fun to do over the weekend.
Yeah seriously just look at Sam Bankman-Fried and that Theranos dipshit. Both bullshitted their way into millions. Only difference is that Altman and Musk’s bubbles haven’t popped yet.
That’s why I avoid them like the plague. I’ve even changed almost every platform I’m using to get away from the AI-pocalypse.
Problem is you can’t shut down your account with the government because that’s your everything. That’s your identity, that’s your retirement, that’s your unemployment. And he’s been given carte blanche to fuck with it in any way he feels like by the giant orange douchebag who thinks Elmo’s a fucking genius. And the Republican Congress is either unwilling or too scared shitless of his billion$ to get in his way.
The more this dipshit talks about programming the more I’m convinced that he’s got absolutely no clue how any of it works. Like, he’s famous for creating PayPal, I’m really wondering if he paid someone to code that shit and just took credit (and all the money from its sale).
It’s no longer available on FDroid for some reason.
the cars are fucking solid.
Try driving through a car wash without activating “car wash mode”. 😂
It’s actually part of the Sirius XM package. So I think that all you have to do is not bother with Sirius XM.
A more useful thing would be to do as much damage to Twitter as possible. In fact, why they haven’t attacked Twitter while Musk has been disarming all of its safety protocols is fucking beyond me.
I’ve developed a theory. I think the person who put the “don’t be evil” line in the mission statement for Google put it there with a clever reason. Not simply to say to the company “don’t be evil” but so that we the consumers will know that, on the day they remove the line they will have become truly evil and that we should abandon the company and it’s products with all due haste.