The death panels Republican fascists claim Democrats were doing are now here, and it’s being done by Republicans.
I hate this planet
The death panels Republican fascists claim Democrats were doing are now here, and it’s being done by Republicans.
I hate this planet
Not everything can be easily boxed into Boolean categories so no, a mostly true claim is not simply false. You are erasing the key context and nuance to make this foolish absolute statement.
Honest question, do you believe that your anti-ai license has any measurable impact on what these companies do with the data they vacuum up from your comments?
I wonder if there’s any significant impact to battery life
While I agree you should always label, google trends is specified so the 0-100 is clear with that context; 0 = not popular/searched, 100 = peak trending
deleted by creator
I would also say participate in code reviews, analyze others code from your own perspective. Depending on the quality of course, you can pick up on new concepts or approaches that didn’t occur to you when writing on your own code
Very cool, works fine on my iPhone :)
Stop advocating for the removal of our rights you fucking moron
If you have kids and you’re worried about what they’re exposed to, then do your goddamn job and be a parent instead of forcing the entire goddamn country to do that job for you. Pervert.
Push you out of a community? Could you be anymore dramatic lmao.
Pretty sure they just wanted you to stop replying to them or something stupid like that. All they said is “go away”
At what point does the screen become too big and it’s cumbersome and not very mobile, requiring you to hold this large heavy thing in your hands as the big screen is also the controller?
You’re whining about needing to lug around a controller as if that is some big task that kills portability but you’re still lugging around a big ass fucking screen that you must hold the entire time to use.
You say laptops aren’t really made for portable play but that is entirely false, SO many laptops are built exclusively as portable gaming solutions (and guess what, they work!)
Also, I don’t see how this relates to Reddit at all? You left Reddit because of shitposts like this? It’s just an opinion post about 3rd party evolutions similar to the deck in a deck community… what is so awful about this? It clearly spurred multiple discussions.
You don’t have to agree with every opinion/discussion post for a community to have value.
You’re missing the actual point, at what point does it become cumbersome to hold a big ass screen in your hand that is also the controller?
Just because you’re on the left and hate Trump doesn’t mean you’re not a fucking moron lmao
You may as well join em
hence why this article is not a big deal or dig at China in any way lmao
Why does everything need to be whataboutism’d to America. Yes we also have companies that work with our military, who gives a fuck? This article is simply pointing out that a big Chinese company with ties to lots of social media (Reddit for example) is also mil adjacent.
It’s just a fact, not commentary on China that then makes the US hypocritical.
Why are you making whataboutist comments unrelated to the article? Every fucking country has companies that work with their military, that’s not what the article is about.
They’re getting downvoted for an unrelated comment not because they don’t believe America has companies that contribute to their mil industrial complex.
Cool whataboutism, this article is about a Chinese company and China, not about America or its mil companies.
It’s not like it’s an insult to say Tencent is involved with the Chinese military, why are you so defensive? Do you think you’re sharing unknown info? I think we’re all quite aware of the US MIC.
Do you seriously believe China and every other country doesn’t keep similar lists already? This is basic ass shit.
Every time anything about China is posted someone like you comes running to tell us all “b-b-but America too!!!” as if that changes a damn thing in regards to the discussion topic at hand.
Fuck off, these people already own it at this point, so there is no such moral qualms. They paid for it. As for physical media, do you think only these companies can burn ISOs to DVD???