Image Transcription: Scientists have found a way to ‘tattoo’ living cells with gold.
A mouse fibroblast “tattooed” with gold nanodots, highlighted with false color.
Link to the article here:
The real question remains, can you flip it upside down for an episode like in the first season?
Was it a goof? Which episode?
It was such a solid television show. I’ve got preschoolers at home now, but I can’t wait to share it with them (along with a lot of other sci-fi).
Is that what that was?
Well Teal’c’s tattoo is actually molten gold poured into an open wound but I think this will do in a pinch.
In reality, this will be used for microrobotics and integrating electronics with living cells.
Okay but if this manages to be safe it’d be such a cool detail for some tattoos
You wouldn’t be able to see this
It seemed fairly visible on the brain they tested it on
On that cree tip, hell yeah.
I will dig up your corpse. You’ve been warned.
Laughs in Rhulad Sengar
Dude, literally just reread the whole body preperation scene again like 12hrs ago.
It’s my first read. Some fucked up shit happens. I’m still not over the ootooloo part with Shurqe Elalle