So sorry. I’m sure with lots of hard work, nepotism and education you too may some day be able to work at a McDonald’s of your own and get your prints stolen. Keep that head up champ and pull up hard on those boot straps! :)
So sorry. I’m sure with lots of hard work, nepotism and education you too may some day be able to work at a McDonald’s of your own and get your prints stolen. Keep that head up champ and pull up hard on those boot straps! :)
Yeah companies don’t care. McDonald’s sold my fingerprint data. I used it to clock in and out for work. I got like a 50 dollar settlement or something so that was nice <3 ty Ronald
Yeah this is true. The TCL TV I have has an ad for Deadpool when I turn it on. It’s a dumb TV in the sense of it’s not connected to the Internet but it still has these from the brief period of time where it wasn’t during setup. The ROKU tvs are even worse imo it has like weird scrolling banner ads as a TV screensaver. We have a Roku TV as well.
Honestly fuck all the manufacturers I don’t even want a damn ‘smart’ TV and I’m also pissed at everyone else that enables this by not caring. I guess I helped perpetrate it also but I had no choice I would have bought differently if I could. A lot of people don’t mind having non-stop ads jammed down their throats though even by objects they own. The only time I think my TV should be showing me ads is if it’s literally free.
I like how my social security card explicitly says not to be for identification and tax purposes only. But I need for absolutely fucking everything and to identify I’m a citizen. Can hardly sign up for a new email without a SSN. (Exaggerating of course about the email)
At least it wasn’t in the US. Calling the police on someone for anything has a non zero chance of just getting them straight up murdered. So i was happy to see it was in NZ lol
I don’t know how they think I could afford subscriptions for every object in my life. There’s no way
I have that effect on people
Spoilers lol but clearing it up.
Gatsby was in the car but his girlfriend was driving while emotionally distraught. It was actually Gatsbys car but Gatsbys girlfriend’s husband Tom had made his mistress think it was his car to impress her and make her husband feel bad. The mistress thought the car coming was Tom coming to pick her up to run away together so she ran out in the road and was hit. The husband of the mistress went crazy and was made to think by Tom that it was Gatsby driving and having an affair with his wife and not him. So the husband walked over and shot Gatsby as he was finally using his swimming pool. Bit confusing haha
I’ve tried listening to the audiobook because I typically enjoy classical literature but I feel like I need to be a literature major in university to understand sometimes. There’s just non-stop references to other literature works within it that I’m not familiar with so I think a lot of what makes it so good is lost on me
Yeah at my job at the end of each week my boss will assign priorities to tasks as not priority to high priority. She’ll change them around and discuss why for about 45 minutes and by the end of the meeting every single task is listed as highest priority every week. If everything is always equally the highest priority is anything a priority anymore? Lol
Yeah fuck the vaping thing but everything else is cool lol
My rodeo was red. I really liked it. It’s sitting untouched now for several years because the exhaust was borderline unfixable then the entire thing fell off. I had to have a way to get to school so I got a car. I still miss it all the time
Yeah. I just don’t like trying to email 100+ authors haha. But you are right in general they do like to share most of the time
I need people to submit more of the research papers that I need to be able to read to lib Gen or sci hub
I always excitedly go to Scihub or LibGen only to find that they never have the paper I am wanting. Smh
I hate the word blasts in this context. IDK why it bothers me so much
Honestly same as well
I worked at McDonald’s to be able to afford to go to college and they sold my fingerprint data. I got like 50 dollars in the mail for compensation. Always thought that was fucked. They probably made more selling it all than the settlement was. I should’ve gotten a lot
Ugh. Holy shit I went into the wrong field 🥲 I was just a kid. I didn’t know better
For some reason I also did this lol