Also, they’ve sucked ever since they stopped having just basic smiley faces.
Come at me!
Great post, worst opinion I’ve seen here in a while!
This is exactly the kind of post this community is for. You’re couldn’t be more wrong, take my upvotes you incorrect bastard!
They are referred to as Minifigures by Lego themselves.
Lego is entitled to be incorrect.
Nvidia (who makes the RTX 4080Ti graphics card) can tell me the Ti is pronounced “tie” all they want. They are wrong. It’s “tee eye”. I will die on this hill.
Pretty sure the inventor of the “gif” stated that it’s supposed to be pronounced “jif” but he too is completely wrong.
Jraphics Interchange Format. 🤷♂️
Competing with J-Pheg
Ngl I assumed this (pronouncing the letters as letters) was the correct way, because I thought that the Ti had something to do with a little element called Titanium, and last I checked that is how one read symbols on the periodic table.
That’s the best part. It is a reference to titanium.
I read the Ti in the periodic table as “titanium”, not as “tie”… I mean, if you don’t read them as the names of the elements, what would you even read, say, Pb or Hg as…?
“Pee Bee”, “Haitch Gee”?
Yes, of course, but I was trying to point out how claiming it means titanium doesn’t really work as an excuse to pronounce it “tie”; it’s either “tee eye” or “titanium”, but “tie” makes no sense.
Right but you wouldn’t say “the symbol for lead is ‘peeb’” you’d say “…P b.”
Yes, exactly. It’s either tee eye or titanium, but I can’t see how it can possibly be tie.
Their old CEO pronounced it correctly, it’s the new guy who’s dumb
Your stance is entirely reasonable and I support it.
I was always partial to “Lego guys” myself.
That is also acceptable.
Lego dudes
Lego are bricks, even the people. Minifigs are bullshit impersonations of Lego.
I can respect this stance when put angrily like this.
Every debate is improved with David Mitchell style angry logic.
It certainly works on Would I Lie To You.
Minifigs are smashed up and used to create minifignewtons, which are the subsidiary units of fignewtons per square metre, also known as a FigPascal; a measurement of fig-based soft biscuitness.
Ok but how many bald eagles per football field is that?
Ask ShatGPT.
2.732 Firkins
Our advertising policy requires us to call them “generic Danish interlocking children’s building set” men. 😆
But yeah, agree. I think they were better when they were just generic yellow humanoids with smiley faces and assorted wigs/hats.
I don’t think as I child I ever ascribed them a gender of their own; they were always the player character in the world’s I’d build. e.g. if I was playing with them, they were boys and they were girls when my sister was playing with them.
FWIW, one of the best parts of the Foosball Table set (21337) is the shear number of wigs and faces it comes with so you can totally customize your players. It comes with 22 “generic Danish interlocking children’s building set” men and 44 unique wigs/heads. It’s pretty cool imo
Flying Squid, I usually like your posts and comments but today. Today you’ve made me angry.
Whatever. You’re a “BigFig.” You won’t even fit with regular Lego blocks.
Leave my Dollar Store Chinese knock offs alone!
I don’t rememeber ‘men’ being prominent in the packaging and we just called the people ‘legos’ like the rest of the sets. So i’m half with you on them being kegos and not minifigs, but all of the people in the sets are just legos.
Blasphemer! That’s like saying ‘traffics’. Are you trolling? ;-)
If half the world can say “maths”, we can say “legos”.
As long as no one is allowed to say “Pokemons”, I agree with that compromise.
One must capture all Pokemons
Yeah, but you have to be able to say the difference between Lego blocks (yes blocks, be happy I’m capitalizing Lego) and Lego men.
Can’t think of a situation where that distinction would be necessary. Like for the castle set we called them knights or soldiers, police were police, that guy was that guy, etc.
Sounds like you’re not with them on any of it tbh.
I’m with them on the lego part…
Lego mans*
Damn, you’re absolutely right. What a thing to remember.
There’s nothing to remember here, the dude just didn’t know what they were called as a kid. They’ve been minifigs since their creation in the late 70s.
Yes there is. At least in in German everyone used to call them “Lego Männchen”, which means “little men”.
Also they’ve sucked ever since they stopped having basic smiley faces
Well now you’re just trolling, sir. The faces used for the Legoredo (western) sets are amazing. I particularly like the grinning Mexican with gold teeth. I call him Sanchez.
I don’t know why I have to keep explaining this.
There are girl Lego Men and boy Lego Men.
I was so enraged by the face thing, I didn’t even read that part lol
Was always Lego figures for me. Or whatever specialty the figure I wanted had.
You only like the plain faces? Man. I used to take a soldering iron to the beat up ones so I could create mutants to attack the ‘good guys’…
What- I ask you- what is the point of throwing a Lego space ship at the wall if your space man isn’t going to smile when he’s dead?
Compromise: Minimen
As someone who will go to any length for a pun, certainly if it’s a physical one, my fig jam will be more tasty due to this change
I believe you mean men jam.
I didn’t, but now I do