That’s what I was lookin’ to see :)
Would you like to learn more?
You’re not my dad!
Son, I’m disappoint
Hi Disappoint, I’m Dad.
Don’t care.
But, I’m a lurker.
Also lurker. Commenting for the numbers.
I’m a lurker too
Me too
yeah me too
Not anymore. You just made a comment.
Dear lord, they got me out into the light. It burns!! :)
Same here, apparently. And I just made this account a few minutes ago, too. Got me already…
I’ve already posted more here than my last 4 years on Reddit.
I guess I probably should start commenting. Just been lurking and trying to find my communities.
That’s where I’m at. I mostly only commented on smaller subs that either don’t have equivalents over here, or they don’t have much activity. Never really posted at all.
All those communities need someone to kickstart them and get the ball rolling. Even if its just you using that community as a bookmark folder at first, it will be something. And then maybe someone else finds it, and they start posting, too. Suddenly you and this other person are having conversations. Now you have entry points for more people
What communities did you find so far?
Honestly not many yet. The Steam deck one seems to be great so far, same with pcgaming, even if they are small. My niche communities are where it’s getting hard honestly. Like I’m an upholsterer and I don’t think there is a community for that. Maybe I’ll create one, idk yet.
Yeah same
Voting should count but fine I’ll comment
Voting on posts doesn’t count as engagement?
OK, guess I’ll comment then.
Guess I’ll reply then.
And my axe?
About 15 years ago many of us left Digg and migrated to Reddit because at that time it became kind of what Reddit is right now without even all the API shit going on.
I have been hoping for something to replace Reddit for a few years now but it seems like every possible alternative would instantly become populated by the alt-right, people who got evinced from other platforms, instead of free software loving geeks and their relatives.
Reddit actually gave us the kick in the butt that we needed to start anew and make something better. I wanted to fight, I made the subs I managed private and then NSFW but I realize it is not worth spending the energy.
We are the people who made Reddit great but there is no point in trying to keep it this ways, it isn’t even great anymore anyway. Let’s not be slaves to a company that only cares about profit and acts as if we need them while the truth is that they need us.
Trying to make Reddit better, at this point, is like volunteering for Microsoft instead of contributing to open-source projects with the hope that they will become less oriented toward profits.
This is already a place we can call our own, all we have to do is to furnish it and make it a nice place to be for those who understand why it is worthwhile to do so. It is not the actual owners of Reddit that made it great, quite the contrary even, they keep on making it worst. It is us, the users who made it great and we can do the same here.
I am pretty sure Aaron Swartz himself would tell us to leave the site he created if he could communicate from his grave. There is no point in wasting energy for a company that wants to sell us NFTs, virtual gifts and rewards. I never bought any of this shit anyway but I am going to make Lemmy a donation right now!
My reddit account is 16 years old. I can easily say I’ve contributed a lot throughout the years to make what Reddit is today; not anymore.
Sorry I’ll try harder!
I just feel like I don’t have anything of value to add most of the time. I just enjoy lurking.
Please drink water
I didn’t know that, how often does a user have to comment/post to be “active”? Are we only active the days we do it?
But if I comment then I’ll break my 9 year record of being a lurker on social media!
It was good while it lasted…
I bet you $20 I can get you commenting by the end of the day!
Dude! He’s been training for 9 years, no way are you gonna win that bet!