Any other way we can support or donate, ko-fi aside?
Notepad collector
Any other way we can support or donate, ko-fi aside?
People get used to things they understand so they don’t want to learn. Frustration builds as you get older, so I am glad I started a long time ago, and I have a lot of respect for people who are willing to learn constantly and are patient. I learn(ed) from trial and error, I like poking the bear and being able to see what works/doesn’t and why. The responses I got regarding lack of linux usage is that people don’t like spending time troubleshooting, or they get super jaded and just want something that works then and there, just so they don’t think too much about it. But now the irony is that windows will piss them off so much they will have no choice but to learn the distro they choose. It’s like vim, at first it seems strange, but once you learn it you will never look back. Learning is done as long as there is curiosity and need involved.
You expect a lot from vegetables.
I’ve seen people lose their shit over having to “sign up for another app” and honestly I don’t want people who have no respect for their data, privacy and have the personality of a wet cardboard right-wing conservative on the fediverse. That’s why Fb exists. We are here as users because we chose to, as other people chose what best suits them.
Not the threesome we envisioned, but the threesome we get and love. May your feddiverse variants be as majestic as you are, and shitpost as vivaciously through one another.
People literally don’t care about their privacy. Anything that is raised regarding tracking is classified as being paranoid and you become a weirdo.
Please drink water
Threatening to poop is an equally terrifying thing to use as a threat
“But I want to support those little poor billionares, who’s going to look after their livehood and ethical buisness?”
The more you pay for big brands, whatever product you buy, be it clothes, food, or any form of knowledge, the more you drive up the sales, the more you reinforce the idea that money is a tool only a few chosen are rightful of having, just like the riches and the labour of the many. (Buy from local producers as much as you can)
Ironically enough, pirating makes people more aware of what it consumes, what labor is and mostly to get to support creators directly for what they put out. You can’t steal from corporations, you only get back the unpaid /underpaid labour of many. Quality content and effort should be rewarded, so please support/help your creators in any way you can.