I have gotten into many arguments over this one
I hate this opinion but you put it in the right community so I will upvote it like a decent human.
And I shall upvote you for being a good human being
Counter-argument: Cherry topping.
Also: What kind of “plain” cheesecake? Cuz there’s still variety even there. I would assume New York because it’s the most common (in the US anyway).
Tart cherry pie filling on top of a new york cheesecake is unbelievable
I read this as “taint cherry pie,” and I hate to admit I was intrigued and kind of excited to read someone’s justification for such a controversial opinion
I can go further with my unpopular opinion on cheesecake. There is no good cheesecake.
I know this is unpopular opinions, but I think that’s a step too far.
I also like to live… dangerously.
By Orholam, some drafters just lose the powers of reason.
I enthusiastically disagree. Well done
I don’t live in fancy New York or Anaheim, so all cheesecake I’ve had tastes like way too much Philadelphia or Freezer Burn
that’s a frickin crime and i demand justice for you
Counterpoint: hint of lemon
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I accept citrus if it’s in the ingredients but in a small enough amount that it just enhances the cheesecake flavor and doesn’t impart a noticeable citrus taste
This is the way
While I agree it is the best cheesecake I can’t agree it’s the only good one. lol
I feel the same way about a good donut. Also bacon is best as just bacon and never improved by wrapping it around things and under or over cooking it. And the perfect cookie is a simple, perfectly baked, chocolate chip cookie. With so many foods, simple and perfectly prepared will always beat overly complex.
Chocolate chip is a garbage-tier cookie. I get supremely disappointed when what I thought was a delicious oatmeal raisin cookie turns out to be a lame chocolate chip. Won’t eat them.
Now that is definitely an unpopular opinion.
One the one hand I agree that oatmeal raisin cookies are great, but you’re just wrong about chocolate chip. Sometimes my grandma would “adulterate” oatmeal raisin cookies by adding M&M’s.
I feel you on donuts since my favorite donut is a plain fastnacht
I used to like bacon but then my tastebuds decided to rewire in my early 20s and now it’s too salty :[
Ooh, here’s another horrible opinion from me. The best chocolate chip cookie has no chips. Just give me that delicious baking soda taste yessss.
If anyone knows what planet I’m from please lmk.
I respect your opinion, but you’re missing out on so much good delicious hot crispy sizzling bacon. Just by unsalted next time lol
I mean plain sugar cookies are pretty good too. But I need the chocolate.
That might be one to mention to your doctor actually. It shouldn’t be anything too concerning but it may be indicative of a deficiency in some nutrients or mineral.
My doctors got very concerned when I mentioned that I disliked the taste of salt. Not just salty foods or bacon but just the weird mineral and acrid taste of salt. Better now but still not a fan.
That your body does want a different sodium pairing is interesting.
Do you drink a lot of electrolyte drinks like Gatorade?
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I almost added chocolate and coffee, but there is just so much variety in both and I love them all. Besides, chocolate+peanut butter+pretzels is kind of my exception to the less is more argument.
I can’t agree with it being the only good one but it’s definitely my preferred way.
Very light raspberry drizzle does elevate a good cheesecake. I want just the slightest sweet/tart garnish. Maybe just a whisper of a spearmint chiffonade, but that’s almost decadent. Plain cheesecake is great alone though.
That is the dilemma:
Why would you flavor cheesecake with something that doesn’t taste as good as cheesecake?
Hm I would argue that caramel and coffee for example are flavors that are better than cheesecake. But flavoring cheesecake with them makes the result much worse than the sum of its flavor parts.
I think vice versa too. I would not enjoy cheesecake flavored caramel nor cheesecake flavored coffee
So does that include toppings? I can understand cheesecake with strawberries in it not being your thing, but does that include plain cheesecake with a strawberry glaze on top? Does any sort of fruit, powdered sugar/cinnamon, or cookie ruin it?
I’m from The South so my favorite cheesecake was one that had a key lime pie on top of it, does that count?
Yeah, to me that all counts as not plain
that turtle cheesecake i had a few days ago was smackin tho
I don’t know man I make a damn good triple chocolate cheesecake, peanut butter cheesecake, and apple pie cheesecake.
That’s cool, more fruit cheesecake for me.
all yours
I agree with you.
I had had all kinds of cheesecake for a long time in my life, all kinds of different flavors.
Then at one point I had /good/ cheesecake.
And immediately realized everything up to that point was garbage. Did some research and the old stuff I had had before was not even really cheesecake, basically just a fast food level cheesecake analog.
Real cheesecake is quite good.
Get a plain cheesecake and drench that shit in delicious berries and cream! Whats the problem?
If you drench plain cheesecake in anything, it’s not a problem for me, because it’s now literally anyone else’s problem I ain’t touchin it lol