nearly everyone I know is reluctant to let anyone new into their circle
I’ve taken to making new friends at protests.
And all I really wanted to do was live a quiet life for a few hundred centuries.
nearly everyone I know is reluctant to let anyone new into their circle
I’ve taken to making new friends at protests.
And all I really wanted to do was live a quiet life for a few hundred centuries.
Reddit did another stupid, so there’s plenty of new joiners
I think in Android you can have background tasks that do the polling and alerting. No need for a separate server, but you do need to disable battery optimization for the app.
The difference is that housing is a finite, in fact scarce, requirement for life. You could also say that Nestle buying up all the water supplies is simply where they’re choosing to invest. Sure, but it’s still wrong.
It’s an abuse of capitalism to create captive markets for basic necessities where people have no real choice but to purchase your goods. Adam Smith knew this.
Now you could say, “just move”, but the fact is that there is not sufficient affordable housing available in this country to meet demand. And a good portion of that is held by investors.
I’d like to be so Internet dad.
Good idea. Create it:-)
Was that corall otherwise empty?
If not, shuddup :-p
Tell me you’re not a parent without telling me you’re not a parent.
I WANT to live in the fantasy world you’re describing. But literally no one could have both kids and a job and be able to do what you say.
And no, I don’t remember not seeing violence on TV. I grew up in the 80s.
Eh… putting your best foot forward doesn’t imply you’re like that all the time. It’s different.
Catfishing is lying. It’s putting forward something you aren’t ever.
And if that’s not the case, and we’ve diluted the meaning of catfishing, we need another term that means that
oh wait they can
Oh c’mon. Unless you’re going to spend 100% of your time following your kids around, you won’t know half the shit they do.
Source: I was a kid and did shit.
Which government’s backdoors would you prefer?
“We know you have a choice in oppressive governments, so we appreciate you choosing ours.”
It will be interesting tracing accountability when AI does something less than legal while trying to implement a legal command.
I really enjoy being introduced to new things based on what other people like me enjoy.
under a Chinese name
Lenovo is already a Chinese company. They’re just moving production for US bound products somewhere else. I guarantee most of their production will still be in China.
Real estate Management is about rent collection, property maintenance, coordination of finding new tenants, etc. There’s labor there.
Many single property landlords are also real estate management and handymen of their own properties. And that part of the situation is actual labor.
In common parlance, people will often conflate these. But I find this dilutes the harm caused by actual landlords, which are mostly large corporations that simply own property and collect income.
Yes yes. Many people fail to accept hyperbole. You don’t need to explain that you don’t either.
Landlording is not a profession.
Handyman is a profession. Real estate management is a profession. Landlording is simply siphoning money through the act of owning something.
The economy can tolerate a finite number of leaches before dying. We currently have too many. The ideal number is zero.
He’ll fall out a window like everyone else. It’s the only natural cause of death in Russia
The game has to evolve or die. There’s only so many 1 cost 1/1 mana dorks you can print before people stop caring.
But when things evolve, some people join, others leave. You sound like a leaver. It sucks that you lost something you liked, but it’s not that unpopular of an opinion. I’m sure most people playing 20 years ago don’t still play.
We’d have to snuggle with our fellow Americans. That would be weird.
Based on nothing, I too am going to assume they haven’t tried.