A classic meme, referencing a recent meme, lamenting that it’s already become an old/classic meme… bravo
You are now entering to the twilight zone…
I don’t know if “beans” is going to have quite the historical impact as advice animals, all your base, and ragecomics.
Remains to be seen tbh
Absolutely perfect. People that joined today will have no clue what the beans are about and I’m all for it. It does feel like home.
Nothing like some meta humor to feel right at home. Turns out 1 week is long enough to develop a culture 😂
Mould is a culture.
The beans miss you too!!
Give Handsome Beanward a hug as he welcomes you to the BeanRooms!!!
Can we get a bean dickbutt
Bean is love, bean is life.
All hail the bean!
So say we all!
I have to say, I’ve really been enjoying the old memes. Old memes are so much better than the current ones.
Ok now it’s starting to feel like home
This is what happens when a community supports the Lurker Rehabilitation Program!
I just need to put this out there, Branston beans are superior to Heinz. The flavour and the bean juice consistency are just so much better, ever had Heinz with a bit of cheddar added and bean like “I much prefer this slightly thicker consistency!”; Well you get that with Branston without the need to add cheese. Also Heinz has this weird metallic tang to it, as if their beans have been floating in their watery bean water for longer than necessary.
Switch to Branston, you won’t regrat it.
I miss the poop too
I don’t.