A reason I didn’t see listed: they are just asking for competition. Yes by all means get rid of your most talented people who know how your business is run.
A reason I didn’t see listed: they are just asking for competition. Yes by all means get rid of your most talented people who know how your business is run.
Literal dating resumes.
The solution is simple. Copy all the information and paste it into word pad. Then spend a billion dollars entering the data into a secure system.
What would happen if someone began adding banned words to important parts of a database?
Talented people have more bargaining power. The implication is that nobody wants to work in the office, but some people do it because they have to.
He killed me with a sword, how weird is that
Hey everybody, we doin’ crimes and shit. Whatchu gonna do about it
Cool Dad, see you same time next year?
There’s a 2008 style crash coming in the credit market for cars. There’s a lot of subprime loans and a lot of car companies that got into financing that shouldn’t have. Wait til they really get squeezed. Who am I kidding tho, they will just ask for a bail out.
AI can’t be dangerous if it’s incompetently run by Microsoft. Taps forehead
Microsoft would never aquire an innovative company just to ruin it.
I guessing he made a sex robot that went on a killing spree.
Imagine making a movie about George Washington, but you cast a French guy and everyone in the movie has a French accent.
I’m Mr. Meseeks, look at me!
It used to be 90% porn and the rest was people competing to see who had the most liberal opinion or oppressed identity.
I tried to get youtube premium because the ads are wack af and they won’t even let me.
The hand job place near me is also technically a foot job place.
They can’t admit that there’s something other than for profit ventures which are functional
Russia does not give a single fuck about their assets getting burned. It happens all the time. It’s part of their playbook to make their assets more and more bold.