The same crossed my mind but that would be hell for everyone around you on a sunny day. Sometimes even just a car with a lot of chrome is annoying 😔
The same crossed my mind but that would be hell for everyone around you on a sunny day. Sometimes even just a car with a lot of chrome is annoying 😔
I recently had a high beam tailgating me. I moved my side and rearview mirrors to reflect it back and he passed me on a double yellow line with him in front of me I just turned on my own high beams. He turned off soon after but I hope it made his day a little more frustrating ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Dude YES. 20 years ago driving in the country you see some high beams in the distance and people would go back to low beams as they get around a corner or crest a hill when they see other cars.
My commute is through a lot of schools and parks and pedestrian crossings and it’s somewhat poorly lit, so everyone has high beams on regardless of traffic but as a result I can’t see shit. If there’s oncoming cars stopped and a pedestrian tries to squeak through I literally wouldn’t be able to tell.
It’s gotten so bad, either people have their brights on all the time or they’re not adjusted properly. In either case headlights DONT HAVE TO BE SO BRIGHT.
I’ve noticed this a lot lately. Extremely long winded and well written emails that could just be a few bullet points.
Give me the human version please. If your email fills my entire screen it’s going through the GPT gauntlet and if your point is lost that’s kinda on you.
If you ever find a way around this let me know, it’s maddening. Especially overseas contacts where I have to wait a day in-between responses, sometimes it takes a week or more to get what I need.
Are we giving him too much credit? What does he get from all this? What exactly is the plan.
This country elected a proven fucking idiot, Nazis are back, and billionaires are running the government. What does this have to do with Russia?
There’s a happy medium. I have a slightly newer VW GTI (2017) with a touchscreen but there are still buttons and dials for basically everything. It’s a perfect infotainment system if you ask me :)
You must really hate going to the movies. If I spend $60-70 on a game and get 50-100+ hours of entertainment from that money spent that’s a dub in my book.
If someone enjoys flight simming it’s not really a question, they will buy this game because it’s one of the best all-around sims.
My elderly dad fell for something similar trying to call HP support, he googled the number and the top result was some bullshit. They had him set up remote access and compromised all his data. Old man had to reset everything.
He called me saying what happened, I had him shut down and unplug. I recovered what I could but he lost a lot of data.
This shit should be illegal. Like, I’m sure it is technically but there shouldnt be unofficial sponsored results above legitimate sources.
T9 was supreme.
Definitely, I have a few group chats. It’s good for general memery and snapping funny things throughout the day.
Fr my dog loses her shit over pumpkin and greenies she will love these.
Myth busters had to be the worst offender in that realm. “here a 2 minute recap of that things you just saw 5 minutes ago.”
In Chicago all the big taxi companies have apps
That’s something, lol. I’m not irreplaceable but it would be an absolute clusterfuck if I left, at least for a while.
I do a good job of documenting everything but so much of my work relies on scripts that I wrote and never properly deployed - a mix of python and VBA, and all my reporting relies on an API connection that nobody else maintains and other than a handful of queries I shared, nobody really knows how to use it.
I’m not trying to be shitty but it’s job security.
Probably when you book from browser cookies?
You could get around this but 99% of people won’t.
And they’re going to populate. Sounds like a movie I saw.
Think about it longer term… All the people struggling at the bottom now have secure housing. More money is free for nutrition, hygiene, they can get better jobs or afford schooling… Trades or higher education. More people have a chance to escape poverty and contribute production, get more money to spend, more money gets out into local economies. So and so forth. It’s a good idea.
Fun game!
Hah I’ve thought of this maybe I can look into it, I’m an amateur Arduino enthusiast but it might even be more simple than that.