Thank you for this! Many have doubted me when I said this would happen, it’s always nice to have options!
Thank you for this! Many have doubted me when I said this would happen, it’s always nice to have options!
2011!?!? Lmfao
The perfect Apollo 1:1 wefwef migration dream is dead then. That sucks.
DNS is what translates www.website.com into an IP address that allow clients to load content from those websites. Most people use the DNS that come with their ISP. NextDNS is an alternate “translator” with built in Firewall/Adblock options (like a Pi-Hole). I figured after the Clear Safari Data trick didn’t work for me, it was because of NextDNS blocking something that required wepwep to function. I think it was related to that CORS and wepwep proxy thing that was fixed a while ago, but I switched it back on after reinstalling wepwep and it’s all good!
For me, it was because I had NextDNS enabled but it worked fine with it on up until now. Wonder what happened. Replying from iOS.
I wouldn’t say left behind, wefwef has the best UI/UX through it’s Apollo DNA. I believe it will catch up once the App Store version releases.
Took them long enough, they know they were wrong for that