Now that Memmy is in the App Store on iOS, I feel like Wefwef is going to be left behind since this is the main place people go to discover apps. I know that Wefwef is a PWA web app but if it could be put in the store that might get more people to use it. Are there any downsides to being in the store?
I couldn’t get in the Memmy’s TestFlight, but finally had a chance to try it when it made it to the App Store. I have to say, i still much prefer wefwef.
I have some problems with wefwef, mainly scrolling back to the top after closing and reopening the app. I usually have to just kill it or go back to the subscription page, and go back to the feed. It seems like a problem with PWA as I never had that problem with any native apps, but i could be wrong. I also wish there was hepatic feedback, but it’s not a big deal. Swiping back doesn’t work consistently either. I end up downvoting random comments by mistake more often that actually triggering a ‘back’ swipe. It seems that it’s a PWA issue too, but I’m not sure.
If these issues can only be solved with a native app vs PWA then i’d prefer a native app too. If they can be addressed in a PWA, i wouldn’t really care either way. it’s easier to selfhost a PWA
There’s a bunch of little things like that, freezing here and there, the back swipe not working as well, tap on status bar, the in-App browser popping up instead of sliding, haptics missing, …
We’ll see how all the apps develop. I currently still prefer wefwef due to it working and looking the best (even with these small annoyances).
I‘d love to see it native, but not enough to switch yet. Wefwef does a great job on getting over Apollo for me. And regular updates are obviously a great advantage too.
I don’t think it needs to be native necessarily, it just needs to be in the app store. My understanding is that you can publish PWAs in the app store.
No, you can’t unfortunately
Tbf blueskys app is just a wrapper of their PWA, I don’t think it’s impossible
I wouldn’t say left behind, wefwef has the best UI/UX through it’s Apollo DNA. I believe it will catch up once the App Store version releases.
once the App Store version releases
There won’t be one. The devs said as much.
The perfect Apollo 1:1 wefwef migration dream is dead then. That sucks.
Just wondering - is there a reason it needs to compete with other apps in popularity or?
Only thing I can come up with is more feedback but that’s pretty much it.
For me the biggest issue of wefwef is gonna be the freezing issue while scrolling, which everyone keeps saying is just a limitation of the web browser. If that’s not something that can ever be fixed I can’t see myself sticking with it no matter how great the UI is once other alternative apps are available and fully featured.
My only currently gripe with wefwef being a pwa is on iOS their is no deep link support.
I have a push notification setup which uses a MacMini apple mail app with apple script, shortcuts, and ntfy to create push notifications.
On Android pwa’s deep link aka it I can make ntfy directly open wefwef unread inbox upon clicking.
On iOS however pwa’s can’t deep link nor can be opened by shortcuts. The closest work around I have is calling a shortcut to open wefwef to open WebView (which unfortunately means manually updating two instances of wefwef on iOS).
Using say a pwa wrapper to make a hybrid iOS web app could fix this.
Although on the other hand if wefwef obtains push notifications then deeplinking may become a moot point
Gonna be real: I’m only using wefwef until I find an app.
Out of curiosity, why? Are you ideologically opposed to progressive web apps?
I just don’t like how it freezes as a limitation of being a webapp.
Just curious, is there anything a web app cannot accomplish if not being a native app in the App Store?
It’s not about the features but the discoverability.