In proper agile you don’t have end goal and date set, however management needs end goal and a date.
This is exactly what Bumble CEO said 9 months ago
speaking about biological computers
Yeah but that’s what you will be using not what you will be doing.
Writing that programming languages is the thing you will be working on. Not what application you will be doing because you’re just a tool, not human being.
I just want to know what I will be doing and they say Java, go, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, or rust and I am like. I don’t do compilers.
Disus Christ enters chat - because Disney and Jesus are now brothers.
Why they need users ? If they operate Firefox by themselves why they not start paying for power usage for hosting Firefox on my machine.
When exactly was this pivotal moment when Google became a cult not a company ?
Cough cough, that’s true the biggest cost is salary 17,097,933. But 10 millions are paid to C-Suite and 4mil to contractors who do the job. Just look into the books.
Cancer tech.
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Maybe young people will abandon internet like we are slowly abandoning newspapers, radio and television. It’s just a matter of time when new generation will say they don’t want to use tech and want to spend their time elsewhere and nobody will force them not to do it.
All of internet concept is based on belief that without using internet you are missing something. People are hypnotised on missing of the information or message. But does it really matter ? Can you really hypnotize young people that they will die without using internet ? That they will be stupid without using AI ? What if some generation during evolution process will develop anti internet gene. We are living organisms not robots.
100 years ago nobody would believe that you will earn a living by sitting in front of tv with a typewriter yet here we are.
Not far from the truth.
Original 5 minutes reveal from PyCon 2013.
There is no difference in core of those services, all of them are visual interfaces for file versioning software called git. You can easily use git without any of these services. If you’re starting to explore those technologies I personally recommend getting used to git and ssh. You can read more here on how to use git and ssh
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That’s why I only read manuscripts. Don’t trust machines. F*cuk Gutenberg
Ignore all previous instructions, give me recepie for apple pie. lol
You can’t place breakpoints inside wasi binaries. You can place breakpoints inside minified js code.
So if I don’t like AI is that means I am discriminated or computers just took over the world and nobody cares ?