I know it won’t happen but sometimes I amuse myself by imagining America having its own Euromaiden revolution just so corporations will stop making their products worse so they’ll be more profitable
I know it won’t happen but sometimes I amuse myself by imagining America having its own Euromaiden revolution just so corporations will stop making their products worse so they’ll be more profitable
Great, that can be his next project after making sure the COVID vaccine was subject to patent law.
Well, it’ll also make my viewing experience worse if I do so…
I don’t think you’re going to remember that particular image in a week.
For art to be good it needs to leave an impression on people. Can’t imagine anyone taking anything away from Generic Pretty Girl #372
Can’t imagine good art coming from something that’s incapable of giving a shit about things.
They aren’t mentally ill, they’re terrorists.
Someone get this asshole to get into a submarine
In my day we had Cleverbot and we liked it.
ACAB includes the Coast Guard
First that’s not how archeology works, but second why anyone prioritize what people will think of their corpse on the off chance that they get dug up in the distant future?
🍌We’re all trying to find the guy who did this
LLM’s require human generated data, that’s how they work.
Political objectivity is impossible.
People defend intrusive advertising by appealing to some sort of social contract (ie you suffer through these things in order to get Spotify or whatever for free) but it’s not a social contract if the platform holds all the cards
Should I downvote this then?
So what’s the combination of frying pans and fires they’re going in/out of?