All amounts to the same thing.
That’s what I’ve been saying while you’ve been insisting that not choosing is somehow a third option. It’s not. It ends up being effectively “didn’t pull the lever”.
You seem desperate not to make the choice but the responsibility for that lack of choice still lies with you.
I haven’t chosen or refused to choose anything. I’m here to talk about your flawed interpretation of the trolley problem, nothing more.
Just as you were in a position to choose trump or Harris. So trump is as much your fault for failing to vote a viable alternative. As if you had chosen to vote him. Just because do not like either option dose not forgive you the effect of not choosing.
It seems you’re incapable of staying on topic so I am no longer interested in having a discussion with you.
You really seem to be failing to understand. And simple typos are easy to read around. I’m visually impaired so have little patience for that excuse.
It would probably help if the statement made sense to being with.
Pull or don’t pull. If you pull 1 person dies. If you don’t 5 die. There is no don’t kill.
“5 people die” is not the same as “I killed 5 people”. There is no option to kill the 5 people. They’re already dead unless you murder someone to save them.
As the guy in the signal box.
There’s no signal box nor is there verbiage in the trolley problem that implies you work for the railroad. You’re just a guy in a position to pull the lever. There’s no outside obligation to do anything at all.
Not voting leaves you with trump. Because you live in a fptp nation where 3rd parties just reduce the opposing vote.
I understand you want to crowbar the trolley problem into your metaphor about voting but I’m trying to stay on topic and discuss the problem itself.
Because the thought experiment recognises you live in a system where you have to make choices based on facts not your hopes and wishes.
No is not. It’s based on personal morality, whether an individual is willing to murder someone to save 4 others. The whole thing could be boiled down to “do the ends justify the means?”
Having a working unsubscribe mechanism is required by the CAN-SPAM act. Violations can carry a fine of $10k per email. When this has happened to me in the past, I’d email their customer service and Cc my states attorney general and the federal trade commission explaining that. It usually gets fixed pretty quick.
If you deleted the content the authorities have no evidence a crime was committed other than one witness saying “yes, totes CSAM”. They’re not going to be able to pursue the uploaders on that alone, and reporting it will only draw attention to yourself. If it was me I’d shut down or lock down the server and move on.
By law, you are not liable.
There are hundreds or thousands of different jurisdictions in the world. I don’t think you can say this confidently unless you know exactly where OPs server is located.
Where you do not get to dobt murder someone.
I’ve read this like 6 times and I can’t figure out what you’re trying to to say so I can’t respond to it.
By some how inventing the dont murder somone option.
If you don’t pull the lever you haven’t murdered anyone. The person who tied them to the tracks murdered them. You were just standing there.
Just because you dont like it. Dos not mean you get to invent your own interpretations.
I’m interpreting it the way it’s written. There’s only 2 possibilities, murder one person or let 4 die by not murdering that person. “I choose not to decide” is the latter. It’s not a third option. There is no third option.
Hence why the trolly problem is equivalent to a political vote. Not voting has the same effect as not making a choice between one or 5.
There is no “not making a choice” in the trolley problem. You either don’t murder someone, or you murder someone and rationalize it. Those are the only two possible options. Creating a third option out of thin air is exactly what I was describing when I said people often misinterpret it.
I expected to open this thread and see 30 recommendations for stardew valley but I don’t see any. So stardew valley.
I actually hate how the trolley problem is misinterpreted. It’s not a question of “will you kill one person or kill 5?”. If you pull the lever, you are murdering somebody. If you do nothing, you killed no one, whoever put them on the tracks killed them. Whether it’s morally acceptable to murder one person in order to save 5 is an interesting thought experiment but that’s all it is.
Maybe a system that regularly gives us “evil vs lesser evil but still evil” as our only options isn’t worth saving
Outlook is a client, OWA is a web based version of that client. Microsoft is bad at names but I don’t see a problem with these tbh
VDI is fairly common, but it has is own set of problems
“Orange skin and in a committed relationship with Bert” “orange skin that is removed before juicing”
I hate the information superhighway the world wide web the blogosphere social media web2.0 mobile the cloud IOT blockchain ar/vr generative AI
They really do seem to be on a mission to cram it into everything
Anglophones call Deutschland “Germany”, and we don’t even share a border with them.
It’s not his money though, it’s ours
Their job is discussing federal workers, who they claim don’t have real jobs lmao
Was he arrested? Article says detained, that’s a different thing. Any time you’re pulled over for a traffic stop you’re being detained.
Unfortunately he’s dead so probably not