Man, I want to be at that shareholder meeting; “how about we just don’t have a CEO and pocket the savings?”
Shitposter while I tend to two babies. Maybe when I have my life back, I’ll help us get a few more niche communities back?
Man, I want to be at that shareholder meeting; “how about we just don’t have a CEO and pocket the savings?”
We already have our local celebrities, anyway. And what good does it do them? Beans.
Now this is a community I can get behind, like a lifted pickup truck tailgating with his LED high beams on.
Another tough but not impossible migration for my crew, but there isn’t a good enough alternative yet. Plus they finally got around to fixing streaming on Linux, apparently, and I’m about to swap back once my new m.2 is installed.
I got only one, but I didn’t block it so we’ll see.
It’s a shame people can’t just seek out friends at random for real, but in this day and age it’s obviously a scam.
Granted, Lemmy people… idk, I guess a Lemmy friend is the kind you dm when you accidentally break your Linux. Or idk, discuss Marxism? Lol
Same reason we don’t have single payer healthcare, they can’t get enough votes and have way too much respect for the institution to play dirty.
I guess mines more a general statement, anyway. Plus we all know true believers are probably on something although it might just be psychosis.
Don’t read too much into it, since it’s a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy and Christian fundamentalists are promoting these guys and the bad stuff towards this end to justify their beliefs. (Plus, it’s easy to fit a kind of vague narrative, similar to how horoscopes work).
None the less, Christians are a rather hypocritical bunch.
Best bet is probably progressives just taking over Dems the same way MAGA has it’s roots in the Tea Party shit decades ago. Otherwise it’s simply not possible without pretty substantial election reform, something neither party has interest in.
Ya know, if a writer for Oliver gets the right push, it isn’t even to strange to get them to literally open an instance on the Fediverse. They love getting their names on shit and the dare “I bet you can’t get @oli.verse instance to become the top Lemmy instance” would be right up their ally. You’d see a million users in a week, lol.
Reading the comments, I’d say it’s worth it. Singapore fucking rocks. Be sure to celebrate with some chili crab or at least a bowl of laksa. Heck, the savings on cheap and beautiful chicken rice alone would make to for that passport cost!
(Yes, I’m hungry while posting this comment).
I don’t normally correct Grammer, but you’re kind of an asshole. If you bothered to take a look at the link, their suggestions line up with better business practices. It’s hard to say the likes of Ben and Jerry are on the wrong side of history.
This is correct, given a new administration can simply change it back to keep it in line with the rest of the world. Won’t do us much good if there isn’t a next administration, though.
I specially went Obama over Clinton because she was still saying in 2008 how video games promote violence. There’s a certain type of Dem, and they’re still ramming them down our throats.
77 year old who has been in the house since the 90s. Actually a prime example of why we need term limits and real competition in elections (if not from GOP, at least in primaries). Irony is she reps a district that isn’t really associated with streaming or producing movies.
My guess? She won her primary because she was the incombent or was unopposed, but she probably receives cash from the film industry. Almost all house seats are uncompetitive unless someone drops out or gets redistricted. Until something changes, this is and will be the way our government continues to work.
Ok, so they’ll ban it under that guise to appease US companys, same as TikTok. I really didn’t care about TikTok since it’s all brain rot to me but this might actually be a tool I’ll use if it’s as efficient as they say.
Good thing I can run it locally, I guess.
Some good games sometimes still have grindy bits so I wouldn’t make that assumption. Or it’s optional but feels rewarding, etc. Really depends.
Yes, this. If it’s a grind, I’ll put on something captivating. If it’s story centric, I won’t put on much at all. If it’s whatever but does require my eyes, I do a podcast. There’s a time and a place for all these things depending on the game.
Me too! First time in 18 years that I vomited and it was intense.
Ironically, a lot of stock trading already is done by bot, it’s a problem from a while ago. Not LLM, of course, much simpler but it’s why it sometimes goes hive mind.