Wow, this is so well articulated and to the point.
Wow, this is so well articulated and to the point.
While the idea and visualisation is indeed good, there is an error in the visualization.
Namely, the meaning of “->” is inconsistent. IMO it should be the return value of the function call (like in reverse), but for at least pop, the visualization shows the array instead of the array + return value.
For pop the return value isn’t the array itself, but the popped value: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/pop
The visualisation could be improved by clarifying, that the array after the function call is visualised. And using -> isn’t the best option IMO, because people expect the right side to contain the return value.
Sounds like a black mirror episode - if it weren’t actually possible reality…
For the first and second point however, I’ve learned that whatever the others don’t know today, that’ll be my state of lack of knowledge in a few months or years. Anything that isn’t a one off script I generally document/comment because I’ve had some projects when I was young, and couldn’t work in them after a few months of break because I didn’t understand anything.
That’s when I understood, that “others” is just me in a few months.
This is some high quality stuff here - being able to recognise many of them
“The Legend says, that the allmighty Nokia was the most powerful weapon ever wielded by a Hylian. To this day, there isn’t a any enemy, who has seen the Nokia-Sword in use and survived it.” - Zelda
so pathetic. many people download Chrome or firefox add their browser on their first time on an Windows. it’s completely automatic these days in their brain. these people still get even more convinced of their opinion by this interception
Xcoin incoming…
without being an expert in that, it’s hard to know what’s owned by them and what’s not…
lol, this is such an capitalistic free market response 😅
You mean ATP, Glucose, and co?
Don’t forget to buy and COSNUME all the food!
(For the uninitiated: COSNUME should be a pun for HODL which originates from HOLD (the crypto) and “Hold On to Dear Life”)
Fun community idea!
Just a side note. the communityname unfortunately reads like “A I’m a death-ing” instead of AI made a thing to me and my friends 😅
Great! Nice to see more and more Reddit equivalents popping up in the fediverse!
I’d love a self ddos of Reddit at this point tbh
Except that CCs make almost no money from ads - unless you’re already big and produce lots of clickbait videos.
High quality produced videos are discouraged with these incentives. successful CCs have switched to sponsorships and merchandise and Patreon since a long time because it’s much more stable and sustainable for them. And by the time they can make enough from ads via YouTube they’re big enough to have good sponsorship deals anyways.
Mathstodon seems to be quite active: https://mathstodon.xyz/about
Yes, the name tells you that it’s created by maths people.
Well, it’s not any official statement by the Linux Devs as a collective.
It’s simply the personal opinion of Linus - who also happens to be the person who created Linux and still manages it.
it’s it though?
in our Fediverse bubble yes.
but so many average people just don’t care.