I saw this funny thing about that!
I saw this funny thing about that!
Black Mirror was supposed to mostly be a cautionary tale, not instructional.
Hey there! They are simply being inclusive, blind people are potential customers too and should not miss on any “opportunities”…
Let me Bob Ross you here, that was a prime example of a “happy little accident”…
Might be instance related?
Someone asked about the motherboard and you’ve answered it is brand new, but still, are there any updates for it?
What is the PSU situation, what brand / model? Is it new too? Is any of the components bought used or from old build?
What about storage?
Your idea to use AHK script is probably the best and least intrusive. You sit down, run the script, whatever you need can be in it, you can actually really tune your input experience with some AutoHotKey magic. I catch myself adding a few more lines every year as new ideas come.
Just remember to unload the script when you are ending your work and the next person won’t even know about it.
Okay, all makes sense. When you are using the keyboard a lot, your comfort is most important. The worst part about Caps Lock is that it is more embedded into the system inner-workings, as for example — it is used for certain crucial shortcuts, especially when using Chinese language.
It is just a comment for the InstallKeybdHook command just bellow it, as it is crucial for this magical code (that I don’t fully grasp yet) to work.
But it does.
Okay, so make a script, name it whatever you feel like and paste this:
; The keyboard hook must be installed.
SendSuppressedKeyUp(key) {
, "char", GetKeyVK(key)
, "char", GetKeySC(key)
, "uint", KEYEVENTF_KEYUP := 0x2
, "uptr", KEY_BLOCK_THIS := 0xFFC3D450)
; Disable Alt+key shortcuts for the IME.
~LAlt::SendSuppressedKeyUp "LAlt"
; Test hotkey:
!CapsLock::MsgBox A_ThisHotkey
; Remap CapsLock to LCtrl in a way compatible with IME.
Send "{Blind}{LCtrl DownR}"
SendSuppressedKeyUp "LCtrl"
*CapsLock up::
Send "{Blind}{LCtrl Up}"
Save it, run it and you should be good to go.
edit: This is V2, just in case.
I was asking because it is actually a problem for two reasons, one is that capslock has more states than other keys, plus it is more complicated to tinker with via AutoHotKey, they even documented it nicely buuut… the official method did not work for me — I just tested it.
I did it in a hurry so there might be “me” problem somewhere too.
Okay, it works.
Sorry for asking but is there any reason why caps lock? Because… You are a lucky winner of “choosing one of the most problematic keys to remap” award…
There should be a special division in all patenting offices called Burning With Fire ™
Same unfortunately goes for a big chunk of the law on a global scale… Constant progress, new possibilities and technologies, changes in general are really outpacing some dusted and constantly abused solutions. Every second goes by and any “somehow still holding” relic is under more pressure. As a species we can have some really great ideas but the long-term planning or future-proofing is still not our strongest suit.
I am really quite torn on this one… In my language the definition of sexuality boils down to something (both intuitively felt and expressed) that changes over time with ones self awareness, current needs, state of being, moods and feelings…
So… this just feels like a pleonasm from my perspective. Which wouldn’t be a problem at all but it kinda undermines the value of the word sexuality in itself — as something well defined or constant when clearly by definition is not at all…
I am guessing that this word is created and meaningful for people, groups or nations where sexuality as a word is being very poorly treated or even in some ways censored / taboo?
Can anyone explain?
I was doing it late night / early morning so I assumed it was a “me issue” but if there are more situations like this, I guess, just instances logos won’t help — this might add some visual clutter.
Maybe, no list with some default choices and definitely no automatic selection on one of them, but an empty field — empty field always gives a strong signal that there is something missing…
Oh, and the toast notification says something like “wrong username or password” — so I didn’t even check the instance until like 7th try. This could get a little touch up too, just in case.
I meant, I have my account on lemm.ee and tried to login on lemmy.world — so the dummy was strong in me.
Yeah, major bullet dodged there. Just when I started actually appreciating Figma and heard about the Adobe plans, I automatically felt like I just need to hate Figma to not get used to it too much — just in case.
Affinity is great and gets better, Figma stays great and gets better, for now at least, all fine with me. No Adobe logo anywhere in sight — good news for me.
I had sorta same problem yesterday…
It was actually my fault tho, I was trying to login with the right username and right password, but on the wrong instance — so, just sayin…
Christian really achieved something amazing, you are just mentioning a name… of an app… and I still, sort of, get nostalgic about it.
Well… respect goes a long way.