is what you want, I believe. It’s in the poppler-utils
package in Debian.
is what you want, I believe. It’s in the poppler-utils
package in Debian.
That just brings me back to starting the compile, getting something to eat, doing chores, and whatever else. Then when it was finally done, booting it up only for it to not boot because I forgot some checkbox. Repeat a couple of times. Nights getting the thing working. And then on the next kernel release, trying to make sure I remembered all the checks because it didn’t let you export the current config back then.
It’s a shame that Bakersfield PD only got one season.
I thought those things had gone the way of fidget spinners and pet rocks.
I always figure anyone who has never broken a bone has lived a very conservative, unexciting life.
I almost ordered an Orange Pi5 yesterday. I realized I still have a couple RPi4s around, and I’d just be spending money on something I really don’t need. I’m waiting for a good excuse though, the reviews looked pretty solid. What are your impressions?
Oh, that is nice. Thanks for the link. That works great, basically similar effort to just copy/pasting, but with far better results.
Thanks for the link, unfortunately I haven’t touched anything Apple in at least a decade.
I had never heard of that app! I tried it with no luck, but I’m going to keep that in my pocket for later use. Thanks.
I’m trying to get all. I mean, I’ve pretty much manually copied most of the info already, it’s just that I can’t do it all at once that is bugging me. I’ll go out to one of the islands, and there are numerous anchorages. So what I’ve been doing is copying the one or two that I know I’ll be going to, then picking a couple alternatives so I have options. It’s not the end of the world, because I’m not a complete idiot as I do have NOAA charts and can navigate with them, it’s just that website is great for specifics on the spots.
About the only thing I miss here is RES. I had so many filters set up not to see anything from that shithead, it was great.
Oh, I’ve followed this stuff for years and years. I’ve been using Linux pretty much exclusively for a quarter of a century. People love to harp on the security issues, but from what I’ve seen that’s pretty much theoretical. The only real compelling argument is that developers are leaning toward Wayland, so that’s the way it will go. I’m sure some day I’ll go to update and it’ll be time to make that change.
I’m not a developer. I wasn’t super happy with the change to systemd, but it’s not like I was the one that had to deal with the init v issues, so when it changed, I went along. I’m sure the same will happen with Wayland. The last time I tried it, a lot of my decades of cruft didn’t work, shortcuts and workflow issues. Sure, I should probably clean up all that crap anyway, but like I said, it’ll happen when it happens. Until then, I’m completely happy with X11.
Still no issues on Debian.
What would you use for a synonym for based? I keep seeing that used. I always thought it was just some alt-right meme bullshit, but I’m learning I was wrong. I still don’t get the use. My mind always thinks “based on what?”
A friend of mine is a musician. About a decade or two ago I went over to his house and he said that he had to get a new fan to fix his computer. I asked him what was going on, so he turned it on and I heard that tick-tick-tick of the read head. I had to let him know it was his hard drive. He had a lot backed up, but not everything, and not the stuff he’d been working on the past couple weeks. Just a bummer. But he did set up a backup program after that.