It’s an accurate translation. Mikrobitti is a generic computer magazine (with a long history) so it could either be that the author is not very familiar with Linux cli or it might also be that they were trying to put it in layman’s terms.
It’s an accurate translation. Mikrobitti is a generic computer magazine (with a long history) so it could either be that the author is not very familiar with Linux cli or it might also be that they were trying to put it in layman’s terms.
Mine are kind of mementos and have symbolic meaning… Oh, and they look nice.
Depends on how you define meaning. I find meaning in experiencing the life. It may be predetermined or have random elements in it but the experience is unique to me.
Anyway, given all we know about us and the universe I haven’t heard a coherent proposal of how free will could work. So, until there’s good evidence to convince me otherwise … I can’t help but believe it doesn’t exist.
I’m not saying that humans are just AI, I’m just saying that there’s no fundamental difference in the sense that we also respond to stimuli… we don’t have free will.
"What we call AI lacks agency, the ability to make dynamic decisions of its own accord, choices that are “not purely reactive, not entirely determined by environmental conditions.” "
That’s from the article and I referred to that.
It’s one of the terrible hype trains again… However, I wonder what makes him think that humans are something clearly more than a model that gathers data through the senses and reacts to external stimuli based on the current model. I think that’s special pleading.
Yup, I’ve started avoiding gaming forums, mostly stopped following news/rumors and hype trains and I’ve become “patient gamer”. As a result, I pay much less for games and enjoy more the ones I get.
this plus:
I would like to add that if you’re eyeing switching to Linux in the future you may want to check before buying whether something supports Linux going forward. Also, you might want to make some noise on the forums so that companies understand that there’s a growing demand for Linux support. I’ve been making music on Linux for quite a while but I’ve always bought DAWs (like Reaper, Bitwig, Renoise) and VSTs (U-He, ToneLib, etc) that already support Linux… trying to migrate a workflow from Windows to Linux could be pretty hard.
That quote means that actual facts are dismissed as leftist ideas by many americans (where Colbert lives).
I think Google is headed to breach the trust thermocline (warning: a twitter link). I think why these collapses seem sudden and so large in scale is because there’s so much inertia. Services / products that have become the standard can go well below the line that would be accepted otherwise and that’s why they don’t see big changes in user base while the enshittification process goes on… So, for them the point where a large portion of the user base is even willing to try alternatives is already way too far… and no small corrections is going to cut it. They try to find out what they did in the last months to cause this exodus but the reality is that they’ve been worse than competitors for years.
Nope, they can use your NPU, GPU or CPU whatever you have… the performance will vary quite a bit though. Also, the larger the model the more memory it needs to run well.