Only two people were in the theater and neither were injured.
whew. thankfully a movie no one wanted to see
old, stupid
Only two people were in the theater and neither were injured.
whew. thankfully a movie no one wanted to see
i bet the nice folks over at [email protected] would be happy to answer those questions/offer surrogate parental support
every religion was created by man to control man. to give credence to the slippery slope of divinity is to allow the eventual removal of responsibility from human beings.
religion is a disease, even if ‘mostly benign’.
religion is itself a slippery slope greased with fantasy and hope created by men. when their major tomes require interpretation, any meaning useful to the con artist can be derived.
yeah but its all going downhill because of people like them. christians are complicit in the demise of democracy.
theyre causing their own doom so they can point it out. if they didnt exist, the world would be a better place.
theres a great meme somewhere where the rapture happens and the world is an amazingly better place for it.
this should make for some kickass robot contests. id like to see two real-time kungfu robots go at eachother.
yep, i was always under the assumption they bought it for parts to use in teams.
heres a good in-depth writeup of how a single tweet was blown up by people with an agenda, or a general failure to critically think about words:
believe what you want to believe of course.
completely debatable if you dig into it, which i have.
email is incredibly complicated to host yourself successfully due to security, dns requirements. i have a pretty good handle on how to do it, but i havent since ~ 2015 because of the constant upkeep and challenges from the email ecosystem at large.
grab a personal domain, setup smtp through proton then have your local mail client archive via imap
email is the only service i would never self-host directly.
ive not had any leaking since i setup my torrenting container(deluge is my fav) to use the openvpn container(gluetun) for its internet. theres zero chance it can leak, nothing to ‘forget to turn on’… kinda idiotproof, which i needed
gluetun is your friend
their useful idiots
looks like this service has one in you
is this the one where some moron was suggesting a vpn for torrenting on a vpn service not designed for torrenting?
i have no issue with stevia other than it tastes fucking awful. just a terrible aftertaste that makes me never want to consume it ever, in any configuration.
a conservative govt wasting more while attempting efficiency than they would ever gain.
fucking idiots.
very interesting. i use mint as a default workstation and i put it on a lot of older machines for older people as a windows upgrade. it just seems to work except for a very occasional audio issue.
cool, thanks for the info!
Ubuntu was pushing snap,
interesting… ive not seen anything regarding snaps in mint… flatpak is the other option in the software manager
kinnda funny the same rednecks running ‘dont tread on me’ flags are fucking terrified of trans people. cowards.