If it’s not running on the cloud, I can always just stay on an old version. If it’s open source, that old version can be maintained and updated indefinitely.
If it’s not running on the cloud, I can always just stay on an old version. If it’s open source, that old version can be maintained and updated indefinitely.
Use unidentifiable backgrounds or remove them in post. I’d suggest small patches of sand, dirt or grass, walls, etc. Avoid anything that can be found on a map like mountains (and other large scale topography), buildings, power lines, etc.
Perhaps feed the convincing fake data so they don’t realize they’ve been IP banned/used agent filtered.
Computers can really just do two things: copy data and do math. Anytime your your doing anything but copying data verbatim, there is math involved. Anytime your reformating, filtering or acting on data their will be some math involved.
Take displaying an image: you can’t just copy image data to the screen, because it could have a different resolution, or color space, or be compressed. In all of those cases, you will need to do a lot of math to get things to work right.
The exact math varies, in graphics, CAD or geospatial stuff, expect a lot of geometry. Any sort of statistics or classifier is going to involve a lot of linear algebra. Even simply storing data in s quickly accessable manner involves quite a bit of math.
Does your car lock up outside of cell coverage? I’m not suggesting removing the radios themselves, just the antennas. To the car, it will just always be out of range.
The antenna used for talking to the keys might cause trouble, but those are either inherently short range inductive systems or are receivable using a 20$ RTL SDR to verify it’s not sending anything else.
Should be quite easy to remove any WiFi/cellular/satellite antennas from the car’s computer. (Might be trace/chip antennas, so make sure to get those). If you’re extra paranoid, get the GPS antenna too, so it can’t simply record data indefinitely.
Might take a few hours to go through the car to make sure you get everything, but you won’t be limited to super old cars.
Just add a delay that pads it out the execute time to 10 seconds. O(1) ez.
You people realize that most crypto is even less private? Every transaction ever can be viewed by everyone, forever, by design.
Sure, a crypto wallet might not have your name on it when created, but good luck buying or selling any without giving away your identity.
Randall did the math on this one: https://what-if.xkcd.com/31/
He assumes 64 GB microsd cards, if you use 1 TB ones, you could send 16 times more.
Easiest and most secure way? Mail (or hand deliver) a flash drive. That’s how they transfer data between super computers and data centers. (AWS even has dedicated trucks to do it)
Hot take, C is better then C++. It really just has one unique footgun, pointers, which can be avoided most of the time. C++ has lots of (smart)pointer related footguns, each with their own rules.
pass otp. Works, more secure then SMS, open source.
Next DEFCON is in two months, can’t wait to see them get absolutely pwned.
Run the BIOS self tests.
Something’s definitely broken (TPM errors, self test errors, graphical artifacts), but I can’t tell what from the image. I would guess motherboard problems, or a subtly damaged CPU.
Could also be more then one problem in the case of over voltage (worst case consequence of PSU damage), or intermittent failure from under voltage (should be fixed with a new PSU).
Prevent subprocess from killing itself until finished.
Well first off, how nice/tolerant is your management? Do you have savings? Some companies can fire people over this stuff, other will just ignore it.
The easiest (and least likely to make anyone mad) solution would just be to bring in your own machine and use celular internet. This way your setup will be completly seperate from the company network, and they can hardly claim you were exposing them to malware or anything. On the other hand you might have problems accessing devices like printers without copying files back and forth (are USB drives allowed?).
These services, like most companies will store your data indefinitly, and can be hacked. You cound end up with your name, what ever infromation the service gave you, and contact info on the internet. This is not the end of the world, but something to be aware of.
If it’s local, try using over-the-air TV, if your close to a transmitter, you can get away with a fairly cheap antenna. (Or even just a paperclip.)
This is actually how you should declare something that you will never change, but something might change externally, like an input pin or status register.
Writing to it might do something completely different or just crash, but you also don’t want the compiler getting creative with reads; You don’t want the compiler optimizing out a check for a button press because the “constant” value is never changed.
They found debugging commands that can be used to access the memory of the device over USB. This is as much a backdoor as any device that runs unsigned firmware
Unless you store secret files on your Bluetooth dongle, you shouldn’t have to worry about this.