I think buffering comes with the cheapest firesticks and the cheapest providers.
I think buffering comes with the cheapest firesticks and the cheapest providers.
Could you set a ‘password’ on the uploads? So the server will only accept and start the upload if the password is present. The password is a passphrase to make it easy to type in.
You and I have completely different views and experiences on this, as I don’t agree with your statement at all; which is why I think you’ve misunderstood.
RIP. I guess you live in the back end of no where.
I think you’ve misread my comment or there is some misunderstanding.
Just in case, it’s a misread, my speed is 40 Mega bit per second - not 40 mega byte per second.
I have to choose what I want to do and do those things with consideration, otherwise things like streaming will buffer a lot.
If you thought I said 40MBps, then I’d agree, as i imagine the difference between 320Mbps and 1Gbps won’t be noticed unless you’re timing large downloads.
I have a 40Mbps down, 5Mbps up connection for $30. Consider yourself as real lucky.
Depends on your stance on risk since WatchTower has to run as privileged
You think you know how to detect a virus, but you only know how to detect a virus that doesn’t hide it’s actions.
It’s not about paying for software or pirating it. It’s about if you pirate software, should you run it on bare metal, a VM, or on a machine with nothing else on it.
I think pirating software is perfectly fine, but I’d never run it on bare metal on a machine with other stuff on it.
Considered safe only because people haven’t noticed anything malicious happening? Yeah, that’s still a no go for me; just because people haven’t noticed, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
In what respect does this list seized domains?
And if the developers were to give up on the project, how likely it would be for someone to fork it and continue.
What’s a better search engine in your opinion?
I believe DuckDuckGo uses Bing as it’s underlying search engine, which explains a lot.
Interesting, tell me more please. I presume it requires loading a different OS image as standard iPhone/android OS images will pause apps and attempt to go into a deep sleep after a long enough period?
I have a few Kingston DTEG2. They all perform like the Crucial and the Samsung.
I’ve tried many SanDisk since that’s all they sell in the brick and mortar stores near me and they’re all trash.
Yeah exactly
I have a second SIM that I use for situations where I don’t want to give out my real number.
It’s a traditional PAYG SIM where I pay for a tiny bit of credit and it lasts until I use it. I need to make a billable once every few months to keep it active. So I just text myself once every couple of months. The $10 I put on it will last a few years before I need to top it up. Or I could just ‘burn’ it and get a new one.
It’s because he called the event ‘We, Robot’. So it’s fairly obvious that he wants to draw parallels between Tesla’s humanoids and the robots within the movie.
I was thinking about disabling explorer from running or at least kill it at boot up. And then using an alternative file explorer and task bar.
I’ve thought about turning my entire rear window into a mirror, but I imagine there is a law against it, so I haven’t looked into it.