Might be most efficient when power is in higedt demands, in the morning and evenings when everyone is using power at home.
Might be most efficient when power is in higedt demands, in the morning and evenings when everyone is using power at home.
You forgot to mention the Nazis imported from Germany after the war…
Yeah looks like this one is only touching statues of little kids
The AI told her: yes you can ( but didnt say in the US not anywhere else)
Linear is probably a lot faster?
Nah that would just unite all the people, wipe out all the carefully curated political divides, finally something everyone can agree on.
Could also be the power supply that is dying…
Yeah a pull request should be formatted corectly, build, documented, pass all tests and have changes covered in tests.
Your own branch? Do whatever you want, will get squashed anyway in the pull request.
Even better is that it depends on your instance , for me the preview text is some German text becuase the instance I’m using happens to be hosted in Germany
AI seems perfect for renewables load balancing. Got extra power to burn because it is windy at night? Train your models
Not a lawyer but that does look like a very acceptable URL doesn’t it? I mean has all the normal URL dots and slashes so I’d say accept
Telegram has been supplying US government with data on its users
Also relevant:
Seems like a good use for android app pinning, I think that locks the phone to that app until unlocked
Spotify might as well be doing this themselves already to avoid having to pay all those annoying artist
Nah everyone is dead inside; don’t open
what’s iffy is smaller AC generators like wind mills
Not so iffy for bigger wind turbines, these also have significant inertia due to the mass of the rotor spinning (with large mass moment) and grid codes demand active grid stabilisation in most countries.
You have tests?
Edit: guess could always use AI to auto generate tests /s
I read that as recipe checker and got more and more confused reading that. Are they now having people checking your recipes in the shop to make sure you got all the ingredients?