I used to contribute to that on Reddit. Might be worth trying to revive and post on here about if you have the time to mod it still.
I have gotten a few family members and friends to use signal as I stated to them that this is the only way to get ahold of me.
Same. It’s the default app for everyone I’m close to.
E2E with privately generated and held keys, have you published your PGP public key yet?
Exactly. You can’t stop secure encryption.
I remember in the very old days of the internet when only the US had strong encryption and thought it was some gotcha. They labeled it a weapon to prevent overseas export. Phil Zimmerman created PGP, lobbed the source into a book (protected under 1st amendment) then shipped it overseas.
If strong encryption exists and people want to use it, you’re just not going to be able to stop them.
Doing something like that late on Friday is a deliberate tactic. It’s to avoid news cycles and / or fuck with the persons weekend.
If you’re on android you may need to give it permission to access your location.
Solaris was great until they insisted on keeping their crappy CPU for way too long before adding x86 support and lost their market share and their company.
It was a terrible gamble and they lost hard to Linux as a result.
Sometimes it’s objectively a good thing when a bad person kicks the bucket.
True, but nobody really knows anything about this man other than he was an insurrectionist. He was doing 6 months prison time.
That is some mother’s son and she’s probably still alive. That’s awful.
What the fuck is wrong with the people doing all the gloating?
A man was killed resisting arrest and you’re all here cheering for it because he was previously imprisoned?
Yes they were insurrectionists. Prison time? Sure. Death for resisting arrest? Get a grip.
Fair enough. I hear where you’re coming from. Is there an alternative that stops the little fiefdoms that you have in mind?
Genuine, open question because I do feel like something has to be done about the ban happy gang.
Am I missing something or is this policy change to combat the tankie mods who are just banning left and right for anything that doesn’t match the tankie narrative?
Pine beer actually sounds delicious.
Edit: I presume this is home brew. Do you leave them in during fermentation or during the boil?
I used to add crushed berries to cider during fermentation then remove the bits at the end. It was amazing. I’ll get back to it some day.
Monero is built as a privacy first crypto. Essentially it’s like cash in many ways. You spend it in the shop and nobody knows where the cash you’re handing over came from. When you get your change at the till you know nothing about who had the cash before you that you just got handed. It’s just money.
This is all handled by a bunch of very complex cryptography. If it comes to it there are ways to prove you sent the money etc but only you have that capability to decide to share.
Same. Have mine about 18 months. Never once connected to the internet. Great device.
Yeah, got some upset kids here but did manage to find a correct steam
Sorry. 200k people were on that. Scum. Everyday astronaut is the one I’m watching now.
Live stream available here. Apparently launch in 40 minutes or so from this comment:
Edit: that was some dirty link sorry
I did think that. :) It’s just… So good. I hope it never enshitifies. God help us.
For the uninitiated like me:
The Kessler syndrome (also called the Kessler effect,[1][2] collisional cascading, or ablation cascade), proposed by NASA scientists Donald J. Kessler and Burton G. Cour-Palais in 1978, is a scenario in which the density of objects in low Earth orbit (LEO) due to space pollution is numerous enough that collisions between objects could cause a cascade in which each collision generates space debris that increases the likelihood of further collisions.
Just installed. Looks great. Thank you.
It’s an analogue of the same subreddit which was spawned on reddit after “momforaminute” became very popular over there. I used to contribute on the dad one on reddit and I’m just a contributor making folks aware of the one here rather than being a mod or anything.
Also, I suppose kids come to different parents for different areas of advice and / or differing relationships with their parents. Certainly that’s the case with my own kids.
I don’t see any reason why not but again I’m not the mod.
edit: I do recall quite a few of the folks asking for help or advice being ones who had grown up without a dad and they felt a certain loss in that regard so were reaching out from that perspective. Also people whose father had died and they used to go to them for advice in a specific area.