Sure there is… stop using Facebook.
Just another person seeking connection, community, and diversity of thought in an increasingly polarized and team-based society.
Other contacts:
Sure there is… stop using Facebook.
“Most” seems to be doing some incredibly generous work here.
Yarr intensifies
Like about how that… doesn’t actually change anything that was said?
Right, so anyone adopting such a “buy for a month and binge watch” strategy can still pay ~75% more and not receive a ~75% increase in value.
Nothing is changed.
Well, when the price increases by ~75% and the value does not increase by ~75%, this sentiment isn’t exactly surprising.
Yarr intensifies
I’ll have to look into it - thanks for the suggestion.
Poor Splunk - such a useful tool does not deserve the upcoming enshittification.
Hikvision has a decent line of chinesium local-only PoE cameras. I’ve used a few of them with Frigate and Home Assistant with great success.
We’ve known how to meaningfully address this for ages - with the side benefit of actually improving lives - and neither party is willing to pursue it as it lies outside partisan wedge-driving around various bans.
an EV charged from fossil electricity saves only 33% on emissions compared to a fossil car
Or, stated more honestly, an EV deriving electricity from even fossil-based grid-scale generation uses roughly half the raw combustables as an ICE with the added benefit of emission scrubbing.
if i am paying 40k$ for an EV i am expecting my purchase to act as a contribution to safeguard the environement
We are fortunate, then, that this is already the case.
EVs are a pass for me for now but thats my opinion.
I’m not sure how you’ve determined they should be a pass - if you’re comparing like to like and comparing to new ICE vehicles of similar capability, there’s no reason not to go EV for most people.
But sure, it is a matter of preference.
You are aware that internal combustion engines also use non-renewables at a much lower efficiency than grid-scale use of non-renewables, right?
Were you aware that only ~1/3 the energy from combustion is harnessed for propulsion in a traditional ICE?
The lack of Google/Microsoft enshittification is a huge draw.
In the software side of IT, this is usually when you start seeing layoffs and a mass replacement of talented developers with bottom-of-the-barrel offshore contractors. Beware the following fail cascade.
I wonder if they realize the extent to which this disincentivizes upgrades to any newer form of Unity - and the newer license - even outside the rest of the recent drama.
It would take amazing changes to even consider giving this up - and at that point, it’s a hop and a skip to a platform shift.
Poor prole’s almanac is also pretty great.
Are you seriously pretending things such as
“actually no one was killed at tiananmen square and if anyone was it was soldiers who were killed by those unruly students and not the other way around.”
are mere opinion?
That would be several steps up from where BSG is.