They do include the effect size of including non-binary students when they write “(nb. Non-binary students account for 0.3% of this total)” etc. so the impact on the actual data is shown, if you’re concerned about the statistical analysis. It also does make sense to group them together in this context as they are both minorities in STEM. However the way the article is written makes it clear that including non-binary students was an afterthought; if it was clear in all the data and headings that the data is for both non-binary and female students with the interpretation that they are looking at just “students who aren’t men” then it would have been a lot better.
I was on the old Reddit amathenedit and while it was fun for a little bit, people would always start trying to bait certain answers. Eg: if the post was titled something like “ama then edit to make it look like I drink too much coffee” then inevitably somebody would ask something like “how many letters are on your keyboard” or something just to get OP to answer with a large number, and then they would edit the question to say like “how many times a day do you drink coffee?” for example.
I think the community would work better if the OP only reveals the premise a little bit afterwards, maybe by editing the post right before answering questions. That would prevent the answer baiting and hopefully Lemmy’s ability to sort by active posts would be less harsh to posts that take time to cook.
I see Bank of China in three places 🤔
I mostly agree but it’s a different time. People can find you online using your name and face (not everybody is as anonymous as I’m sure many of you lemmites are) and it’s not likely that anything bad would happen but I can see it as a privacy concern.
It’s still just first name though so I don’t see it as super invasive but it’s still not exactly the same thing as a pizza guy wearing a name tag that says “Rambo” (or whatever it says in the image you uploaded)