I don’t know why you are getting downvoted, it’s true. Weed withdrawal can be awful.
My sentiment exactly.
Did you read the article? Conservatives are not “up in arms.” Its two former staffers who already turned against Trump and Meghan McCain. No high-level republicans condemned this, and right-wing psychos are celebrating it on Twitter.
They quoted two small-time former Trump aides and Meghan McCain who hates Trump. That’s it. There is no “widespread outrage,” it’s literally people who would have criticized anything she does.
If you think conservatives have hearts, I have some oceanfront property to sell you in Ohio.
Thank you and welcome!
Sweet, thanks!
Ever since the coronavirus pandemic, working from home has become normalized. But working from home can also lead to a very bad habit called bed rotting. This new trend encourages people to stay in bed for passive activities, but that can spill over into work.
“I’m not one to, like, get up and get ready every single day. But I need my screens. I need my monitors. I need my set up,” said Caroline Wharry, who works in marketing from home a few days a week.
Wharry said working from home is a new type of lifestyle, but bed rotting sounds somewhat lazy and uncomfortable.
“I take my meetings, and when I’m on meetings, I try to have my camera on. So, I do not understand how they’re doing all of that from their bed,” Wharry said.
Elise Vader, a physician’s assistant and sleep specialist with University Hospital, said people could also develop insomnia.
“For general health. We know that being active and moving is important for the body, for your mood, for your muscle health, for your heart health,” Vader said.
A Sleep Doctor survey found about six out of 10 remote and hybrid workers say they bed rot during work hours. Four out of every 10 men say they are more likely to bed rot compared to just two out of every 10 women. And four out of every 10 bed rotters say they were influenced to do it because they heard about it from others.
“The No. 1 thing is when it comes to what we call sleep hygiene, which is like the best way to get the most healthy sleep, you know, keeping your room cool, dark and quiet, staying away from screens. This kind of goes against that,” said Marten Carlson, a sleep science coach.
About 40% of bed rotters say they spend one to two hours working from their bed, and about half of those bed rotters say they spend at least half of their day in bed.
“When we think about sleep, especially when you’re doing activities in bed, you’re training your brain that the bed is for being awake and active,” said Dr. Kristi Pruiksma, an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UT Health San Antonio.
She advised that the bed should be used for sleep and intimacy only.
More than acceptable! I hope the meeting goes well and you get adopted.
You can’t do it during the lease, but when the lease is up, sure. Unless there are regulations in place preventing how high they can hike the rate.
I’m not convinced this is working. You should post more cat pictures to test.
I‘m genuinely confused, you don’t think doctors should be regulated? Like, at all?
About $300 per month. That doesn’t include vision and dental.
They are not just skinheads anymore. They wear polo shirts and khakis. Did you miss the march in Charlotsville along with many other gatherings of that nature? Just because you are ignorant of this doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
That’s too funny! I think I have an image that will help you to never forget:
You’re welcome, I hope you both enjoy!
Hey, I found this documentary on beavers that won several awards, so I figured I’d share in case you want to watch it with your daughter.
You’re not the only one.