@dismalnow - Codeberg
@dismalnow - Lemmy
@dismalnow - Mastodon
@dismalnow - Pixelfied
Are you saying “crassholes” or “assholes”
And it feels so good! I hated how breaking in to the mobi files wrecked the formatting.
Sys admins are already worked to death, so anything that can be done to simplify makes perfect sense.
Appreciate the correction! I haven’t dealt with Amazon for e-books since I got my first Kobo reader 5-6 years ago, so I’m out of the loop.
Especially on mobile. News sites are legit impossible to use, let alone tolerate.
Which is why it boggles my mind that every company I have worked for uses it as the stock alternative to Edge over Firefox.
Kobo consistently makes better products overall, but the ability to avoid Amazon (and the nonsense that comes from their proprietary format) is priceless.
We all have bad days. Unfortunately his coincided with the only time you saw him. I don’t think that makes him an asshole. I think it makes him human.
You ever call in sick because you’re not feeling it? Public figures can’t do that because people will call them an asshole.
Bingo. Enshittification is mostly confined to companies that have gone public or whose sole aspiration is to do so quickly.
It shifts responsibility from satisfying customers/users to satisfying shareholders (who are never satisfied).
You can build the perfect product and ride a gravy train as a private company in relative perpetuity. As a corporation, you’re just going to strive for perpetually increasing profits on a quarterly basis with no real care or focus past that
Agreed. I would much rather see fewer posts than bot content. A human OP is going to engage in conversation, and is also likely able to provide more context on the topic of their OP.
I’ve taken to blocking obvious bots (extremely high post:comment ratio) to keep the same feel as the fediverse had since “rexit”.
surely they’re going through a personal crisis to be so terminally online and posting so frequently.
I apparently needed to see this today. Life has been winding me up lately and I have been impatient/quick to dismiss people as a result.
Thanks for snapping me out of it.
I am a simple man. I see Key and Peele and I say 𝓫𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱
We’ll need 10 million dollars to reverse engineer how the unshackled AI did it, or you can take the plea.
Go back to your cell, and we’ll ask you again right before your trial.
This is too much ignorance to pick apart. Thanks for revealing yourself to save me time later, I guess
Proof of ownership and/or identity. It doesn’t need to hold more data than that.
Can’t just have a royal rumble. You’re going to need to iterate ALL of the flavors into factions if you want a war.
I vote everyone vs Arch (btw)