Connect is good, don’t get me wrong, but I want this badly
Connect is good, don’t get me wrong, but I want this badly
Pretty easy to see that this will lead to immediate short-term gains but long-term pain. I can’t tell you the amount of infinite loops I’ve found myself in with AI chat, even among the most simplistic questions.
Neither one has a catalytic converter
I would be absolutely shocked if this wasn’t just smoke and mirrors marketing.
I genuinely hope so. I know that not all hope is lost, but some days the relentless march of climate change articles – Vermont thousand year flood! Phoenix, 99 degree overnight low! is crushing.
Remember: bones are luxury teeth.
Fun fact: for my family’s insurance, it is $106/mo to pay for dental. I get access to two cleanings a year, plus 50% of billed expenses up to $1000. What is even the point?
You could put this in the parenting community and get even more positive feedback, lol
This is a tough one. Is it better to know about an incurable disease seven years later if you can’t prevent the progression of symptoms? Amazing study though.
This is a good community idea. Is this a common acronym? Otherwise, how will folks find this community outside of this post?
The enshittification continues. Cannot believe they are taking a page out of Pinterest, of all places.
This is the most level-headed take. Reddit is going to continue to slog along with or without my account, with or without Lemmy’s 53k active users. Anyone who thinks this protest is going to sink them entirely is naive.
However, they may stagger along as an enshittified website that has lost it’s spirit and never meaningfully grows again. Reddit is still better than any other alternative at this point in time, but Reddit is not by my estimation going to improve again. It’s all downhill. So I’m doing my part and trying to work to build community elsewhere.
We don’t need 50MM users to reach a mass where the content is fresh and engaging all the time. Probably a fraction of that would be. Lemmy’s userbase is double Squabbles and there is already a noticeable difference in content.
Here you go: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats&days=30
I have my toes in both Lemmy and Squabbles. I am skeptical that the fediverse can withstand humanity’s collective need for infinite and continuous financial growth, and I am frustrated with the buggy and laggy website. However, I have been enjoying my time on this site more than Squabbles, and I think a BIG part of that is that the doubled user count really creates a fresher and more dynamic conversation, especially in the smaller communities.
I’ve had it for years, I don’t even know when at this point.
It must have been my most-used app week after week, year after year, phone after phone.
That dev will never see this post, and I’m just one person, but that app made my mundane little life demonstrably better. A little bit better each day.
Yep. u/Spez should be shaking in his boots at the 53k active user count here, the XXX at k.bin, and the 25k on Squabbles. Obviously it’s a fraction of reddit, but you only need to get to a certain critical mass to where even more obscure groups can have a source for news and meaningful discussion. That discussion and community is why I defended and advocated for Reddit for a decade+. Not reddit itself.
They’re betting that they are the untouchable community but what happens if the community splinters? They’re worthless.
We’ve got a LONG way to go before any site gets as big as Reddit. I’m just hoping between the fediverse and/or squabbles one of those will “win” enough to get a critical mass of users. I’m actually very happy with both, there is just not even a fraction of content compared to reddit in an hour (understandably so).
I like the concept of being able to talk openly about mens’ issues. That liberation name is unfortunate; in my opinion, it definitely sounds at least apologetic towards misogyny. What do we have to be liberated from?