I’ve found emby to be a good compromise.
I’ve found emby to be a good compromise.
I really miss the RES feature of keyboard navigation (mainly j, k, to move between posts.) Thanks for making this!
Only when we’re road tripping and the 20 mins every couple of hours is all our bladders can take anyway.
Check out newpipe
Per [Vanity Fair], he was outfitted with fake teeth, a slightly different nose and glasses. When he tested the look at outdoor Los Angeles shopping mall The Grove, “Nobody recognized me,” Bacon said. But the tide evidently soon turned. “People were kind of pushing past me, not being nice. Nobody said, ‘I love you.’ I had to wait in line to, I don’t know, buy a f***ing coffee or whatever. I was like, This sucks. I want to go back to being famous,” he told VF.
The actor, who has been working steadily since the late 70s and became a megastar with 1984’s Footloose, also told VF, “I honestly feel very grateful for where I happen to be. That I can have two totally different movies coming out within a couple of days of each other, and completely different roles. The fact they would both come my way is the thing that I feel the most gratitude for. I’ve fought really long and hard for it.”
Have you looked at the Unhooked extension. You can choose to hide recommended videos, which was a game changer for me.
Yeah! And don’t even get me started on Fall water
My brother uses it, just remember to look through the ad settings. There was a toggle at one point to allow their approved ads or something like that.
Make the whole school a Faraday cage!
Thanks! TIL
Hippocrates wasn’t American and the oath was made sometime around the 4th century BCE. It’s been part of medical tradition since then (at least if you follow ancient Greek tradition)
If there’s no central control or ledger, couldn’t you just rewrite the card with the original values and the machines wouldn’t know any difference?
Marketing. That’s Apple.
My first websites after hand coding were fine in Fireworks :'( I miss Macromedia stuff
For you or others who are curious and want to do this:
AntennaPod settings > User Interface > Set playback buttons.
You can decide what shows up in your notification on your lock screen.
Also make sure to toggle Persistent Playback Controls on.
Thanks for this, I was confusing them with Empress (which probably should be an additional crime)
Thanks! I was on mobile and couldn’t see the tooltip
What’s the difference between blocked and fedipact?
Where will they keep the child laborers?