Sometimes I like to make up horrific magic items if they’re in the dungeon of an evil wizard or lich or something. Nothing that has impact on the players, just spooky flavor.
An orb that intercepts the Sending or Message spell when it’s used to call for help, and redirects them to a recorded message that mocks the sender.
An amulet that nullifies the effects of all wishes except for ones made by the Wish spell. This includes wishes upon shooting stars, wishing wells, wishing bugs, wishbones, birthday candles, white horses, dandelions, and the hopes of children. This effect extends for 100 miles and there is no save against it.
Collar of unlimited command - wearer of the collar is subject to the Command spell, but without the restriction of instructions that can’t be followed. So something like “fit through that keyhole” will be followed even though it’s impossible. It will be made possible, horribly.
I play games online with a guy from Norway and he was telling me somebody from his town had an imported Dodge Ram.
And I said let me guess - he revs the engine at stop lights, spins out of every single parking lot, and roars through town like a maniac. “How did you know?” They all drive that way! I guess even in Norway they do. I think maybe they get a manual with the vehicle.