Can I pay my taxes, rent, and student loans in your currency? If not then it’s not real money
Can I pay my taxes, rent, and student loans in your currency? If not then it’s not real money
Yeah and a lot of them are mad that they only got money and power while the other kids getting our asses kicked, the queer kids, got to be cool as adults instead. /hj
Like i got taught not to be effeminate quite violently. While teachers picked on me for being weird and smart. I guess I just can’t give a shit about these people who love to make sob stories to justify their cruelty and bigotry. They can heal or get out of the way.
Agents provocateur are actually what we historically had to worry about just as much as spies. They’re the guy who’s just raring to go do something a bit risky or really wants to run security for your event. Doing what they say or aiding them will get you arrested.
It’s also the height of install. If you drive a subcompact a lot of vehicles will just have lights so high up to you that what’s a reasonable angle for them is directly in your mirror
I don’t want anything about driving at night to look psychedelic or weird as heck
Ooh a place for the cult of the Honda Fit to congregate
Grammar and now even spelling correction are increasingly unable to match my written style. Especially when I decide to play with my language.
Unfortunately not the case with calculators. Lots of triple font learn thr math they ask a machine to do for them
Oh, nice username. Almost got me there
You mean people who haven’t been taught to write quickly, easily, and with their own style tend to look to automate writing faster than those who write better than ai, can do so quickly, and have the proficiency to see it as a form of self expression?
Shocked I tell you. Also not surprised AI researchers are surprised
$5 USB fob for printing
The back can be a flaming depiction of the kinsey institute
And I want a better future. Guess we’re both gonna be disappointed ain’t we
If it makes you feel any better that discussion could’ve easily happened at a dungeon or orgy
Exactly. The comic strip questionable content contains artificial intelligences with quirks, foibles, personalities, and a social understanding that they’re people too. In it people and ais have relationships and even marry. It’s no weirder than a human in a fantasy setting falling for an elf.
In the real world these are fancy chatbots owned run by corporations. Anyways here’s a video about people falling in love with them, it’s more sad than anything
Joan of arc is notable for being the only saint in the catholic church to be executed by the catholic church
Fascism is often a pipeline. Not everyone who votes for the far right is fully on board with everything they wish to do quite yet. They’re really good at making you think that the people more than a step or two right of you aren’t that big of a deal. They see the people waving swastikas as not a big group or a particularly influential one. Similar to how the center left sees the people waving black and red flags. I’d even go so far as to say that on both sides a decent chunk of political propaganda is pointing at the other side’s cranks and far [side] members.
The difference is aside from the crux of the ideology and inherent morality contained within that, that the far right has a lot of power over the right, while the left is routinely bending over to centrists of both the left and right. However, people are idiots. If they weren’t we wouldn’t be in this mess.
In 2017 in Charlottesville North Carolina, the American fascist movement made a bad call. In an attempt to shift the overton window to their acceptance, demonstrate power, and create a unified movement they organized a rally to unite the right. Images of swastikas, fasches, and angry young men in business casual clothing carrying tiki torches and chanting antisemitic slogans alongside a dead young woman who protested against them became the image of the far right for a time. Short attention spans, a global pandemic, the economic crisis caused by that, and sustained propaganda from the right (especially regarding left wing protests against police brutality) led to people slowly stopping thinking about it.
Right now America is a bit too divided and radicalized for this to impact us. But other countries are seeing this and us torpedoing international relationships and making clearly stupid choices and they’re asking themselves if they want to be associated with people who support the politics of Adolf Hitler and don’t believe in regulating food safety.
Plenty of French did. France was divided before the war, fought against Germany, and then had a government of the fascists instilled. If the UK had fallen something similar would’ve happened
And part of the reason I’m pro government assistance is that they pull this shit regardless so it may as well help some people sometimes
Offshore accounts if you’re in the targeted groups. Probably gonna want to diversify, buy some Canadian, Australian, and European stocks as well