That thing looks so steampunk, I’m kinda jealous.
That thing looks so steampunk, I’m kinda jealous.
Pretty sure it’s another wave of refugees.
The Venn diagram of c/theonion and c/not the onion is just a blurry circle now.
The Sony Bravia I have now is the first Android device I have ever owned. It is also, coincidentally, the first TV I have had to hard reboot on a regular basis because the HDMI stack keeps crashing.
I have never and will never allow this thing to go online.
Right at the foot of
Use this opportunity to retake the Baja Peninsula.
loudly places hand on side of face
There is absolutely no reason in a fair and just world why my Pro Controller wouldn’t be able to sync to the Switch 2. So foolishly assuming we live in a fair and just world, I’m probably never going to use the Joycons ever.
Okay, at this point it’s the fault of the police for thinking THAT THING is a Samurai sword. It looks too outlandish for Lord of the Rings.
Obviously, the correct way to determine the owner would have been a contest to see who could do the best Final Fantasy cosplay.
Reddit gets a little smaller
(Yes, I know how serious this is. But by all means, accelerate the downfall of Reddit.)
A Samurai sword in Oregon? In the possession of a couple of middle-aged (and probably white) dudes? Bet you lunch it’s a replica.
It’s the Edger skin suit the bug in Men In Black was wearing, slowly decaying as the film progressed.
Those of us whom have straight hair when it’s short, but insanely curly hair when it’s long.
The relevant part of Pirates of Silicon Valley. After which you should watch the whole thing. It’s fan fiction, but it’s the best explanation of what happened between Apple and Microsoft leading into the 1990s.
“You can’t steal that public data! We stole it first!”
And considering that’s exactly what Microsoft did to Apple with point and click, what irony!
Ah, about the Queen…
Nothing is wrong, comrade.
This is a real problem, and Apple can’t patch it out of the hardware. The only thing they can do is write software to run in advance of hardware execution to “randomize” when and where memory is written to and read from. That will slightly decrease the performance of these chips. The “older” chips from 2021 would see the worst performance reduction. M3 users probably won’t even be able to tell.
The attack vector is a web browser. Even a completely updated safari is vulnerable, but Chrome is seemingly easier to exploit (the way browsers store website data in memory is the key). An encrypted browser won’t change anything because the attack is reading the unencrypted data being displayed to the user.
It takes several minutes for a compromised website to perform the attack. So basic sense practices apply. If you think a website is unsafe, don’t open it. If you think something is happening, closing the suspicious sites immediately might stop the attack before any damage is done. I don’t know how easy it would be to compromise a trusted site, but it’s been done in the past.
Apple could potentially patch Safari to do things that make it harder for the attack to work correctly, and you can bet they’re already retooling the next generation of processors to get rid of this exploit. They did the same thing when an unpatchable exploit was found in the M1 series, M2s have a stopgap measure, and M3s were redrawn to make it an nonissue.
Buy iFixIt stuff directly from them on their website. Or is that somehow more expensive?
I think I know who’s responsible.