Aye so bottom line, we’re stuck with what exists until new formats are forced upon everybody… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
yeah… :(
Raw isn’t a format, it’s supposed to just be unaltered stream from the imager, so every camera model is unique in that regard. But DNG is a way to describe that data so it’s more readable to programs unfamiliar with the specific model. And well, some makers prefer to use their own proprietary models.
ah fair enough, i didn’t know that
Actually AAC is mostly Apple’s format and support for it is pretty great. I’m not super familiar with the details but it sounds like a similar situation as with webp.
is it? i didn’t think any android players supported it apart from specifically apple music? and i’m pretty sure ms’ groove music couldn’t play them?
oh by the way, your instance has alexandrite built in
i think it’s at a.lemmy.world? but there are also other frontends at old.lemmy.world and new.lemmy.world and possibly phtn.lemmy.world or something?
there’s a list somewhere on the meta lemmysphere (
[email protected]?[email protected])https://lemmy.world/post/2878694