Some weird, German communist, hello. He/him pronouns and all that. Obsessed with philosophy and history, secondarily obsessed with video games as a cultural medium. Also somewhat able to program.
That’s no lie, hence supplement, not replace. But the community can only grow, if people start using it more, even just a little bit in addition to YT where it works for them.
At least from what I’ve seen, a lot more videos than in the past seem to have transcripts and captions, including automatically generated captions. I recently moved all my old YT videos (mostly German YoutubePoops from the early 2010s) over to and they had automatic captions generated without input on my end, in English and German both.
Have a look at peertube, it’s gotten to a point where it can definitely supplement YT.
Definitely, here’s hoping the accountability question will prevent that, but the incentive is there, especially in systems with for-profit healthcare.
Even if it were to do pattern recognition as well as or slightly worse than a human, it’s still worthwhile. As the article points out: It’s basically a non-tiring, always-ready second opinion. That alone helps a lot.
Definitely have to add one of my favourites:
If you are German-speaking, your main instance of interest for communities will probably be with the main community being [email protected] (and inofficially [email protected]) - check it out if you haven’t yet
EDIT: Hello there, person in the future - I completely forgot about [email protected] - the “landing page” community.
Nice to see! Baby steps and all that. Getting RISC-V to a consumer-level state is still a pretty gargantuan task that has a lot of catch-up to do, but it’s walking along its path steadily.
Oh, so you meant, get out of the country, not, you know… I interpreted “getting out of the timeline” differently. A lot darker, I guess.
Now, if you can get out of the country, that might indeed be the best option with things as they are. But that won’t be an option for everyone. So either way, organising and staying strong is still important.
this is the dark timeline folks…
get out while you still can.
To quote a fictional revolutionary poet: In the dark times, should the stars also go out?
Yeah, that was clearly just the group having fun, sounds like it might have been some kind of in-joke. Stuff like keygen music and adding extra fun stuff to your cracks has always been part of the culture. For the most part, while I’m not saying there is zero risk, but as long as it’s from verified groups with good reputation, your pirated software will be safe to use - also part of the culture.
Materially, they were often launched into the upper middle class or even outright capitalists, that immediately gives them a bias. Add to that a disdain for social sciences and the humanities as subjects, that is unfortunately often found in STEM fields. On top of that, many are really addicted to the consumer cycle with gadgets and idolise the “geniuses” that “create” them, unlike proper nerds that won’t trust this generation of tech nearly as much and much rather create and tinker with stuff themselves.
Shit, there would be every opportunity now to make a sweep along all of the prominent Project 2025 supporters, and then hold a speech about the way they threatened democracy, and that made it an important official act - then step down and let two new candidates duke it out. Would it destabilise the system? Sure, but that will be coming anyway, but this would destabilise the system from a position of strength, which liberals seem to be deathly afraid of. All they can do is lament the days of civility and “reason”, without realising those eroded not because of some sort of immaterial stupidity, but because of economic and material factors they themselves helped along in the past.
Played both Undertale and Deltarune on Deck, it works well with the controls. Enjoy! It’s a great experience, wish I could play it for the first time again.
“If the RIAA sued hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.”
You’ve got a great point there, actually
It’s disappointing that copyright infringement could cause these people to spend time in prison, but the predatory practices of the companies they where competing with are punished with no more then fines.
“What is the robbing of a bank, compared to the founding of a bank?” - Brecht
Law is always part of an ideological whole, that stems from the material base. Justice will always feel different to the opposed classes, we have to force our justice or their justice is forced on us.
That’s what I suspect, too, but I’m not entirely sure in my research so far. The question I am still unsure about: Is it as costly in running, or is the real costly part “just” the “training our model” part? I wondered that, because when I was messing around, things like generative text models could run on my potato PC with a bit of python scripting without too much issue, even if not ideally - as long as I had the already trained dataset downloaded.
I do wonder what differences in philosophy and development led to something like Blender to be pretty accepted even in pro circles?
For me, personally, the moment I found out you can easily install a version of gimp that doesn’t distribute it’s tools and canvas across a dozen windows was when it began to feel “right” for me. Granted, I am only using it as an amateur for meme and touching up on graphics for game dev, but it feels right to me at least.
Oh, neat, I remember borrowing money from friends to buy one shortly after release, and spending many months repaying it. My main thought process, besides it being a cool PC, was “the higher the statistics, the better the outlook for Linux adoption”. :D
Can barely believe it’s been three years already.