Handles do exist, they’re just optional and most channers don’t use them.
Handles do exist, they’re just optional and most channers don’t use them.
Interesting. I get that this is a pretty morbid line of thought, but I’d kinda just assumed that the amount of force required to crush a person like that would be more than enough to just… rip off a foot or the limb or whatever and still leave enough of a person left over to survive…? At least, assuming bystanders were quick enough to stop the bleeding. idk…
You’ve piqued my curiosity: how does one even get sucked into an escalator? What’s gotta happen to make that work???
> looking for a new feminist community
> ask the moderator if their comm is radical or reactionary
> she doesn’t understand
> pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is radical and what is reactionary
> she laughs and says “it’s a radical feminist community miss”
> subscribe
> it’s reactionary
People like you give all ancient fucks a bad name ☺️
I hope all ICE agents have hilarious banana peel mishaps on train station platforms.
The Louisiana refund
Yes, and for all I care, they can run out (though they won’t) and their sites can shut down.
I’m not sure how the service could be sustainable.
Bold of you to assume any of us give a shit about keeping Alphabet’s operations sustainable for them.
It’s that Tommy Wiseaeu rizz
Mastodon tried and it’s had some moderate success, but because it’s completely devoid of algorithms, users have a harder time discovering people/accounts/mindless entertainment. That’s the only reason I can think of as to why Bluesky took off so much faster.
I’m sure that’s a factor, but I can think of another reason. Decision paralysis when picking instances and frontends has been cited quite often as a substantial hurdle.
Oi oi matey, u got a loicence for that telly streamin’ service?
Yeah this is one that I’m sure Mark and his mother would like to see.
Fun for the whole family.
Yeah I was gonna say. Glad someone noticed that.
Ugh, fine, just 'cause it’s you asking though.
Removed by mod
this is the most bitchless thing i’ve read all week, congratulations