This is great. Perry bible fellowship was a core memory of my early internet days. Each one still holds up today.
This is great. Perry bible fellowship was a core memory of my early internet days. Each one still holds up today.
Very cool. Now it just needs to drop in price.
I’m willing to wait for it to hit under $20
I like this comment because you can put it under anything.
It’s such a nothing comment; the only side it picks is that the commenter posting it is better than everyone else, and wants to invite argument for arguments sake.
Can’t put my finger on it, but it’s very “Twitter bot”-esque.
I used to believe in the whole private citizen but then seeing News really blew it up like “Obama’s daughters eat provolone cheese instead of American cheese!”.
I was at a bar a while back and the talk stuck with me. He was a Israeli who moved to America about twenty years ago and still visits Israel to see his family.
He said, “Americans have to stop seeing America as being #1 at anything.” We talked about Israel and Palestine, we talked about the current White House bs, and afterwards, I finally understood what he was saying, especially with the lens of him being an Israeli.
America is America. It’s a place that exists. The rest of the world has a lot better everything. It’s like living in a small backwater town: You know it’s shit, and it wont magically become something it’s not, especially if the Mayor and the Sheriff are inbred hicks who bang each other’s sister wives. Maybe you grow your nestegg until you can move. Or maybe you carve out a piece of the shit hole. But know that it’s a shit hole.
That’s America. Just keep milking because the lunatics are out of their cage.
Not trying to yuck someone’s yum, but what are the perks for youtube premium?
Of course they were being threatened and bombed by NAZIs …
Haha yeah same
Come on, just because the CEO endorsed a Trump candidate using the company social media? Then backpedalled after the backlash? And then sent emails about how Proton is totally agnostic about politics and how the CEO is a Asian immigrant so surely they can’t support Trump?
I know a guy who ONLY quotes and references YouTube videos.
Every topic, he answers with “Oh I saw this YouTube video…”
Pasty tech bros continue to push dumb shit forward, ruin companies, out a lot of people out of work then do something else. The definition of fail upwards.
That sounds right. Lemme ask Gemini and DeepSink just in case.
Jeep is rated #16 out of #22 from consumer reports
Guess they really wondered how to go even lower.
I’m sensing a future where cars are becoming like cell phones and laptops, a single unit without replaceable core parts. And they’ll have ads built right in.
I’m old enough to remember when Gamersgate/me too and companies were getting leaked everywhere, which really made them look bad. Like literally people were using their real Facebook name and going, “Scarlet Johansson is a feminist b**** c*** who should stay in her lane” and their job title right there.
The first thing my job did was give everyone a warning that no personal things on work time and made everyone sign a contract. Then a few months later, our sister company got a bunch of leaks in the news about a sexist environment/sexual abuse. Then a few months after that, a bunch of people were “let go” for breaking that contract.
There was a guy I met at a bar who took out his laptop to show me some cool personal app he was building using a no-code builder. I asked him about his laptop specs, and I shit you not, he said, “I don’t know. It’s whatever my job gives me.”
I tie a toy chicken to a wall that when honked, creates an audible sound.
Shit is wack bruh frfr
I tried to figure out Mastodon a few months ago. I’m with you.
Someone asked me to follow them on Mastodon. I couldn’t find them in the app. He sent me the direct link and it opened up a browser on my phone, refusing to recognize the app.
I finally added them directly from a browser by by remembering which server I was in, log into that, visiting their link again, adding them from my logged in server, and then it finally appeared in the app.
And if I’m dealing with thet level of monkeying around, how many others are? How the hell are we supposed to contribute and add content and find social circles when we’re fighting with the UI?
Lemmy seems to have figured out how to not make a sucky experience with multiple servers.
Do people not realize it’s already a war on AI in the job market?
There’s a 90% chance your company is already using AI to generate job postings.
Then you have smart applicants who are using AI to generate custom cover letters and applications.
Then you have HR teams using AI to summarize applicants resumes/cover letters.
This is the shit show we’re in. And if you’re still meticulously hand crafting your letters and unemployed, sorry to break it to you.
For laughs, I checked out how much the meal cost in my city. It’s $12.
For two dollars more, I can get a better burger at my neighborhood bar.