Hades II. It’s so hard to put down.
Reddit refugee, married with kids, mainly interested in gaming.
Hades II. It’s so hard to put down.
Are the prices coming down at all?
I’ve been thinking about a Balatro community for a few weeks now, but life has been too crazy for me to create it. I’m really excited about this! If you’re looking for mods, please let me know. I’d be interested in helping out!
I can’t believe Balatro is so high on the list even though it came out less than a month ago. It’s very deserved though, it’s crazy addicting and it plays perfectly on the deck.
I picked up Armored Core VI in the recent sale, I’ve been enjoying it a lot more than I anticipated. Being able to switch up everything in the build after dying then trying again makes the failure fun.
You wouldn’t steal a 200-foot tall radio tower
I’ve been really enjoying Aragami recently, but it requires installing Proton GE to get the cutscenes to work after the first level. It’s such a neat stealth game.
It’s so funny to me that we have to circumvent the site’s paywall in order to read an article about pirating.
That illustration with the hook through the film reel is so clever, I love it.
This is a really interesting idea! It sounds like you’ll need something to translate the Morse code into alphanumeric characters as you type.
Not much, you?
I think this is one of my favorite TV episodes ever. Better Off Ted deserved better.
That makes sense, thanks for the explanation!
What is soaker even for? I have yet to find a use for it.
I’ve been to Northern Saskatchewan a few times (Stony Rapids), it’s gorgeous up there.
I had an issue with these buttons as well, but when I pushed either button, the menu wouldn’t open and the cursor would move instead. It turned out to be an issue with Decky Loader. I uninstalled it and the issue stopped. I don’t know if Decky could be causing your issue as well, but I wanted to mention it just in case.